Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Merger / de-merger of IPO/IRM cadre & minimum working experience about Postal / RMS wing before promotion to Assistant Superintendent / Superintendent cadre.

To view Directorate's order No. 25-02/2001-PE-I dated 9th September 2013, please CLICK HERE.


  1. In view of the above letter dated 9.9.13, how Circles are giving promotion to IPs as ASPs and how DPC will finalise Group B promotions without following the above letter. It is quite interesting and how it will be implemented.

  2. Given the Highly Disproportionate ratio of Posts in IP and IRM cadre, I am doubtfull how this order can be implemented. This will result in huge vacancies in ASP cadre and will erode already wafer thin promotional prospective's of IP cadre.

  3. What about direct recruit candidates? there is no mention about this
