Thiruvananthapuram, July 30 (PTI): Kerala government today announced its decision to simplify procedures for attestation of certificates on the basis of the 12th report of the second Administrative Reforms Commission. Addressing a press conference after a cabinet meeting here, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said that as per the new decision, applicants can now self attest their certificates, except those that require the mandatory attestation procedure.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Many members and track in viewers are making inquiry about enhancement of various allowances by 25% when DA reached to 100%. It was told that few DDOs are waiting for orders from higher ups to draw the revised allowances. It is to inform to all that DOP vide memo No. 5-06/2011-PAP dated 24/1/2012 has already clarified that there is no further confirmation/clarification required to enhance allowances by 25% when DA goes up by 50%.
To view the copy of DOP letter dated 24/1/2012, please CLICK HERE.
File your Income Tax Return before it is too late
The due date of filing Income Tax Return for assesses whose accounts are not needed to be audited is 31.07.2014. That means all individuals (other than a very high income professionals) including salaried taxpayers should file his return within the last day of July.
Payment of Postage on Bill Mail Service (BMS) /National Bill Mail Service (NBMS) in advance
To view Directorate's memo No. 30-17/2013-D dated 24/7/2014, please CLICK HERE.
Promotion to JAG cadre....
Directorate vide Memo no. 2-12/2014-SPG dated 25/7/2014 has issued following promotion order in JAG cadre.
1. Shri A. Sarvanan (Tamil Nadu) to be DPS (Mails), Navi Mumbai
2. Shri Sunil Kumar (Uttar Pradesh) to DPS, South Bengal Region.
3. Shri Alok Ojha (Uttar Pradesh) to be DPS (Mails/BD) Mumbai.
4. Shri Gaurav Srivastava (Postal Dte) to be DPS, Tripura
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Promotion to JAG Gr. A
Directorate has promoted 4 STS officers to JAG cadre and also issued their posting orders against vacant posts at Mumbai, Tripura etc.
CHQ News......
GS visited Directorate on 28th July
2014 and met with senior officers and discussed the pending issues. The
progress of few issues are as under:
1. Repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to their parent circle.
Information called by Directorate under Memo No.9-33/2013-SPG dated 16th July 2014 is yet to receive from Assam / Gujarat / Kerala / Odisha and Uttarakhand Circle. It was requested during the course o visit to Directorate, not to link up the repatriation issue with supplementary DPC and consider the request applications of the officers for repatriation to their home circle immediately, was requested during the visit to Directorate to consider the request applications of the officers for repatriation to their home circle immediately, as they have already completed the requisite years of service outside their home circle and their cases are badly delayed for one or other reasons. Directorate has given assurance that on receipt of information from above circles, repatriation cases will be considered on top priority basis and now will not be linked up with result of supplementary DPC.
2. Supplementary DPC for promotion to PS Gr. B.
The following information
is required from circles;
Name of officer
Anil Kumar Gupta
Incomplete information received at
Directorate and zerox copies of CRs/APARs are not received
Balram Mandal
Vishnu Deo Ram (SC)
Tiket Das (SC)
Vinay Kumar Singh (ST)
Raj Balabh Paswan (SC)
Ram Phal Singh (SC)
zerox copies of CRs/APARs
K. Narayanan
2 Officers Vig clearance and zerox copies
of 3 officers CRs/APARs
V P Ahmed Asharaf
B. Satya Narayana
Nathi Lal Yadav
Neither vigilance clearance report nor
zerox copies of CRs/APARs received
G. Narayanan
Bhujbal Singh Tomar
Ms Rooplata Sundareshan
Moti Chandram Yadev
S. Mustafa
Parmanand Pandey
Rajmal Jain
S. K.Jain
T. S. Parte (ST)
Shivram (ST)
Isidor Ekka (ST)
zerox copies of CRs/APARs not received
Madhu Mirdha (ST)
R S Shekhawat
Only 10 officers vig. Clearance received and
zerox copies of all officers CRs/APARs not received
O P Sodia
Gauri Shankar
T D Vasihnav
Bajrang Lal Sharma
S K Mishra
S D Swami
Ram Swaroop Munot (SC)
Ishra Ram (SC)
Babhu Lal (SC)
Ratan Lal (SC)
L. R. Parihar (SC)
S P Pandey
zerox copies of CRs/APARs not received
Ram Mahesh Shakya
G. C. Ojha
D N S Yadav
R L Rajbhar
B C Dixit
P L Gupta
B K Singh
B K Gupta
G C Bhatt
Y N Tripathi
R P Singh
Rameshwar Bajpai
R C Srivastava
Man Singh
Amal Krishna Ghosh (SC)
zerox copies of CRs/APARs not received
Tapan Kumar Malik (SC)
Nikhil Ranjan kamila (SC)
Vishnu Pada Khanra (SC)
There will be around 22 to 23 vacancies.
The information of
following two officers required at Directorate:
a) Shri S. Modi (Odisha)
: ACRs/APARs not received at Directorate.
b) Shri P. R. Alia (Uttar
Pradesh) : CRs for 2007-08 (from Uttarakhand Circle) and APARs 2007-08, 2009-10
and 2010-11 (from UP circle) not upgraded by circles.
On receipt of above
information from Circles, file is said to be sent to UPSC for convening DPC for
45 to 46 posts in JTS Gr. A for the vacancies of 2013-14.
4. Holding of periodical meeting to Secretary (Posts)
Director (SR) has
issued 2nd reminder to DDG (P) and DDG (Estt) to furnish the
comments on agenda items. Directorate will communicate the date of meeting
5. LDCE for the promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for 2013 and 2014.
bank on revised syllabus is not ready at Directorate. Examinations will be held
separately for 2013 and 2014.
6. Promotion case of Shri Karunakaran PM (HSG-I) Dindigul HO (Tamil Nadu)
has filed case in High Court of Tamil Nadu against the judgment dated
28/11/2011 delivered by special court Madurai.
7. Holding of regular DPC for promotion to PS Gr. B cadre for 2013-14
the completion of supplementary DPC process, the list of officers in the ZOC
will be circulated to all circles for submission of zerox copies CRs/APARAs and
vigilance clearance in time frame program.
8. Death case of Ms Mohini Gupta, ASP Ajmer (Rajasthan)
report from Rajasthan Circle is awaited. It was requested to issue reminder to
CPMG Rajasthan to speed up the enquiry.
Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office Bearers are once again requested to ensure submission
of above information by their circle/s to Directorate and inform to GS.
Government ask babus to fle revised property returns by Setempter 15
The Centre has asked all its staff to file their revised property returns by September 15 as part of a mandatory obligation under the Lokpal Act.
As per Lokpal rules, public servants who have filed declarations, information and annual returns of property, shall file the revised details of their movable and immovable assets as on August 1, 2014, to the competent authority on or before September 15 this year, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) said in a directive.
The directive asked all Ministries and Departments of the Centre to bring the provisions of Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits of Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014, to the notice of all concerned for compliance.
The directive covers all central government servants which comes to a total of about 50 lakh and includes IAS, IFS and IPS officers, and employees of Groups A, B and C.
The DoPT has developed an online system named PRISM for IAS officers to file their property returns under the Lokpal Act, and asked IAS officers to file information related to assets and liabilities online.
"An application, namely, Property Related Information System (PRISM) has been designed and would become operational w.e.f. August 1, 2014 to enable the officer to file the information and declaration online," the DoPT said.
The Centre has issued new forms for filing returns which have fields to fill details of cash in hand, bank deposits, investment in bonds, debentures, shares and units in companies or mutual funds, insurance policies, provident fund, personal loans and advance given to a person or any entity, among others.
The employees also need to declare motor vehicles, aircraft, yachts or ships, gold and silver jewellery and bullion possessed by them, their spouses and dependent children, according to the form.
The Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014, were notified by the DoPT recently.
As per the rules, notified under Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, every public servant shall file declaration, information and annual returns of his assets and liabilities as on March 31 every year, on or before July 31 of that year.
These declarations are in addition to such returns being filed by the government employees under various services rules.
According to the Lokpal Act, a public servant shall furnish to the competent authority information relating to the assets of which he, his spouse and his dependent children, jointly or severally, own.
As per Lokpal rules, public servants who have filed declarations, information and annual returns of property, shall file the revised details of their movable and immovable assets as on August 1, 2014, to the competent authority on or before September 15 this year, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) said in a directive.
The directive asked all Ministries and Departments of the Centre to bring the provisions of Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits of Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014, to the notice of all concerned for compliance.
The directive covers all central government servants which comes to a total of about 50 lakh and includes IAS, IFS and IPS officers, and employees of Groups A, B and C.
The DoPT has developed an online system named PRISM for IAS officers to file their property returns under the Lokpal Act, and asked IAS officers to file information related to assets and liabilities online.
"An application, namely, Property Related Information System (PRISM) has been designed and would become operational w.e.f. August 1, 2014 to enable the officer to file the information and declaration online," the DoPT said.
The Centre has issued new forms for filing returns which have fields to fill details of cash in hand, bank deposits, investment in bonds, debentures, shares and units in companies or mutual funds, insurance policies, provident fund, personal loans and advance given to a person or any entity, among others.
The employees also need to declare motor vehicles, aircraft, yachts or ships, gold and silver jewellery and bullion possessed by them, their spouses and dependent children, according to the form.
The Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits for Exemption of Assets in Filing Returns) Rules, 2014, were notified by the DoPT recently.
As per the rules, notified under Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, every public servant shall file declaration, information and annual returns of his assets and liabilities as on March 31 every year, on or before July 31 of that year.
These declarations are in addition to such returns being filed by the government employees under various services rules.
According to the Lokpal Act, a public servant shall furnish to the competent authority information relating to the assets of which he, his spouse and his dependent children, jointly or severally, own.
Source:-The Economic Times
Circle Conference .........Bihar Circle
36th Biennial Circle Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts, Bihar Circle held at Patna on 27th July 2014 and following office bearers are unanimously elected;
1. President : Shri Sidheshwar Kumar, ASP (South West Sub Division), Bikram, Patna (Mobile No. 09431672163)
2. Circle Secretary : Shri Rajiv Kumar, ASP (East Sub Division), Vaishali (Mobile No.09431239170)
3. Treasurer : Pravin Prasoon, Inspector Posts, North Sub Division, Muzaffarpur (Mobile No. 09472874007)
GS attended the conference. CHQ congratulate them and wish best of luck for future.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Circle Conference : Uttarakhand Circle
It has been reported by Circle Secretary, Uttarakhand Circle that due to National Cleaning Drive in Uttarakhand Circle, Biennial circle conference scheduled to be held on 26th and 27th July 2014 has been postponed to 23rd and 24th August 2014.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
All Central Government employees will now have to compulsorily submit a detailed report on their properties and debt owed by them…
Already, each year, the Group-A officials are required to submit information about the immovable properties owned by them. Now All categories of Central Government employees too have been asked to submit these details. The DOPT has issued relevant orders to this effect.
The Government has issued this order in accordance with the Lokpal rules. According to this rule, Central Government employees will now have to submit all details regarding the cash-in-hand, bank investments, share certificates, stocks and bonds, mutual fund investments, insurance policies, P.F. details, loans, motor vehicles, gold and silver ornaments, and precious metals, to the Government.
The employees have to also submit details of movable and immovable properties owned by their spouses and children. Application forms will be given to all the employees, to be filled up and submitted before the 31st of July for each financial year.
There are more than 50 lakh Central Government employees, including IAS, IPS and IFS officers, all over the country. All of them will have to henceforth submit details of their properties. If the total property owned by the employee is less than his/her four months’ basic salary, or if the total amount is less than Rs. 2 lakhs, then he/she could be considered for exemption from submitting the information.
Those who have already submitted the details will have to re-submit the form for the current financial year on or before September 15, 2014. Information also has to be furnished about the properties owned by the spouse and children.
On January 1, President Pranab Mukherjee gave his approval for the Lokpal Act and regulations. Following this, amendments were made to the Lokpal Act to make it compulsory for all Central Government employees to furnish their property details.
Central offices to continue with 5 day week
There is no proposal to change the present five-day week for the employees of central government ministries and departments, Lok Sabha was informed today.
"No," said Jitendra Singh, Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions in a written reply to a question whether the government plans to change the five days per week working for central government servants.
There were reports that the government was considering increasing the five-day week schedule to six days.
The minister said there was also no proposal to enhance earned leave and casual leave being granted to the employees. "There is no such proposal under consideration of the government," he said.
Source:-The Economic Times
Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan had a word of advice for Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. Taking note of the number of questions that MPs had for the Minister, especially about postal services and post offices, she told the Minister, “A lot of people want to raise questions on the issues. You should pay more attention to the postal department.”The Minister on his part announced that the government had decided to open 80 Gramin Dak Sewa Post Offices and 80 sub post offices in the country under Rural Business and Access to Postal Network scheme.
President of India inaugurates bank and post office at their new locations in the President’s estate

The President’s Estate Branch of United Bank of India was established on February 28, 1976 and inaugurated by the then President of India, Late Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed.
The Rashtrapati Bhavan Post Office started functioning as Viceroy’s Camp Post Office at Shimla on June 10, 1904. In 1948, it was renamed as Governor-General Post Office and in 1950, it was again renamed as President-Camp Post Office. On December 7, 1950 it got its present name. This Post Office caters to the needs of President’s Secretariat as well as residents of the President’s Estate.
The Bank and Post Office were relocated from a heritage building as part of measures to implement the Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan for the President’s Estate.
A fitness centre for the staff of the President’s Estate was also inaugurated by the President today.
Source : PIB
Advance Booking of Reserved Train Tickets

In case of Tatkal tickets, the booking opens at 1000 hours on the previous day of journey from the train originating station.
In case of unreserved tickets involving journey upto 200 kilometres, the tickets can be booked on the same day whereas tickets involving journey of more than 200 kilometres can be booked up to three days in advance excluding the day of journey.
Premium trains with dynamic pricing have been introduced during the Holi and summer rush with shorter advance reservation periods of up to 15 days.
Indian Railways have a route length of about 65,436 kilometres. On an average, about 23 million passengers commute across Indian Railways daily. The passenger traffic on different routes varies from season to season, day to day and train to train.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
Source : PIB
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Top priority for digital connectivity of all post offices, says MoC
New Delhi, July 21: Proper digital connectivity of all post offices in the country is top priority for the Government, Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad told the Lok Sabha here on Monday.
Replying to questions related to his Ministry, Prasad said the Prime Minister was personally monitoring a host of departments and postal services were one of them.
“The Prime Minister spent about one-and-a half–hours on the postal department and has given suggestions, which will be considered,” he said, in reply to a query by Biju Janata Dal’s Tathagata Satapathy on the status of the banking licence applied for by the postal department. Prasad said there was need for reforms in postal reforms as also upgradation of Grameen Dak Ghar Services, catering to the rural population.
Mobile networks :
Prasad said the Government’s priority was also to improve BSNL services. Responding to a question raised by Congress MP Ashok Chavan on poor mobile network in Naxal-affected regions in Maharashtra, Prasad said mobile networks, under the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) scheme in such areas are likely to be set up in 15 months.
Prasad said the Government’s priority was also to improve BSNL services. Responding to a question raised by Congress MP Ashok Chavan on poor mobile network in Naxal-affected regions in Maharashtra, Prasad said mobile networks, under the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) scheme in such areas are likely to be set up in 15 months.
A proposal to install mobile towers at 1,836 locations in nine States affected by Left Wing Extremism with funding support from USOF has already been approved, he added.
The Minister said Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) had installed mobile towers at 363 locations for which financial support to meet operational expenses would be provided through USOF.
On a question on lack of diesel supplies to BSNL mobile towers leading to their non-functionality and affecting security, he admitted there were concerns on diesel supply and “there is scope for improvement“.
The idea of using solar power for telecom towers was also being looked into, especially in the hilly regions of North East, Prasad said.
Source : The Hindu Business Line (This article was published on July 21, 2014)
Request to CPMG Rajasthan Circle to consider transfer under immunity service
GS/AIAIASP/Raj/Immunity/2014 dated 23/7/2014
Shri D. K. S. Chauhan,
Chief Postmaster General,
Rajasthan Circle,
Jaipur 302007
Subject: Request for considering immunity to the office
bearers of IP/ASP Association.
Ref. : Directorate Memo No. 10-1/2004-SR dated 25th
June 2004
Respected Sir,
Association would like to bring to your kind notice that according to the
existing instructions, concession of immunity for transfer from the HQs of
recognized service Association is applicable to their office bearers during 1st
year of their elections to the office of Chief Executive or General Secretary,
Assistant Secretary and Financial Secretary or Treasurer of Group C and Group D
Association whether they are All India, Circle or Divisional units.
is to further bring to your kind notice that Shri Gauri Shankar, ASP (HQ) Tonk
Division (Ajmer Region) has unanimously elected as Circle Treasurer in the 5th
Biennial Circle Conference held on 24th August 2013 at Jodhpur and
he had already applied for transfer under immunity service to the Circle
Headquarter at Jaipur at his own cost and request, but till date issue is not resolved.
It is requested to your honour to kindly consider the
request of above named officer for transfer at circle headquarters at Jaipur
under immunity service immediately.
An early action is
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
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