In this connection Circle Secretaries have been addressed and all members are requested to submit the letter of authorization immediately.
G. Samuel General Secretary
Address: Quarter No.12, P &T Colony, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, Delhi 110 President: Shri Vikash Sharma [Mob: 9417226661], SRM, I Division, Jalandhar-1440001 General Secretary: Shri P Vara Prasad [Mob: 9177434534 e-mail], ASPOs, Warrangal South Sub Division, Warrangal, Telangana-506002 Finance Secretary: Shri Sharad Wangkar, ASP, RO, Pune, Maharastra
In this connection Circle Secretaries have been addressed and all members are requested to submit the letter of authorization immediately.
G. Samuel General Secretary
Dear friends,Some of the points in connection with reorganisation of sub divions are given as under. Please consider them and offer your opinion for discussion at Dte.
Re-organisation of Sub Divisions
Some important points for consideration and views.
Present proposal of the Department:
1. All the Sub Divisions should be manned by IPs only.
2. All the posts of ASPs will be attached to D.O./R.O./C.O. They will look after the duties
An urgent meeting was held at Directorate on 17.04.2009 in the chambers of Member (P). The following officers and members from Association side attended the meeting.
Official side
1. Shri R.K.Singh Member (P)
2. Shri A.K. Sharma, DDG (Est)
3. Shri Salee Haque, DDG (P)
4. Shri Rameswar Rao, ADG (Est)
Association side
1. Shri S.Samuel ,General Secretary
2. Shri S.Ravi, CHQ Treasurer
3. Shri V.Narasimhan, Former CHQ Treasurer
Points put forth by the staff side during the discussion.
1. Aim of the Directorate is to post IPs as Sub Divisional heads at the beginning itself to get first hand experience at field level. It will beneficial to the Dept. in the long run.
2. All the ASPs will be attached to administrative office so that their rich experience could be best used.
3. If all sub divisions are given to ASP there will be less no. of IPs in the base level of feeder cadre IP and there will be more no. of ASP in the promotional cadre. Dept. feels it is not good for a smooth and efficient administration.
Our view:
1. Any re-organisation should be based on two things a. Efficiency of the service should be improved.
b. Promotional prospects of the cadre should be increased.
2. In all State/Central Govt. Depts.. Sub Divisional officers are Gazetted Officers. Only in Postal Dept. some of the Sub Divisional Heads are non Gazetteed officers. This position can be changed if all Sub Divisions are manned by ASPs who are now Gazetted Officers.
3. Now a days the Dept. has upgraded the status of Post offices into HSG I & HSG II. Since they are equal or higher in status it is proper to place ASPs(Gazetted ) as Sub Divisional head instead of IPs.(Non-Gazetted)
4. IPs are not having much experience in the beginning. They may be deployed in administrative office at the initial stage under the supervision of divisional head. After learning rules and regulations they can be promoted in due course to ASP and given independent charge.
5. Administrative and financial powers to ASP Sub Divisions:
a. ASPs are now having no administrative and financial powers. Since they are Gazetted Officers and placed in charge of sub divisions they need some administrative and financial power to have effective control over the sub division. For example
i. Leave sanction to PAs is now done by Divisional Heads. The procedure involves more time and causing delay. If this powers are given to Sub Divisional heads leave may be granted and substitute arranged with in the sub division immediately without waiting for the orders of divisional heads.
ii. Sanction of GPF advance is a labourious work in every division. This power can be delegated to Sub Division and minimize the waiting time in the welfare of the staff.
iii. SB/NSC claim etc are now done by Divisional office. This power to certain can be delegated to sub divisions so that the quality of the public service can be improved.
iv. ASP sub division can be delegated with some disciplinary powers empowering them to impose minor penalties on T/S PAs for effective control over staff and enforce discipline.
v. Writing CRs of Time scale PAs of within the sub division.
vi. Several Post offices are now computerized and systems are required to be maintained. Apart from that maintenance to buildings and furniture are also required to be carried out periodically. For this purpose also the sub divisional headsshould be provided with some financial powers.
6. There are 1199 IP sub division and 613 ASP sub division. Totally 1812 sub divisions. This does not include RMS sub divisions. If all the sub divisions are upgraded to ASP sub division around 400 IPs will get immediate promotion to ASP. This will solve the problem of stagnation in IP cadre.
7. Now the ratio of IP and ASP is nearly 1:1, whereas in accounts line the between JAO,AAO and AO is 20:40:40. Hence JAOs are getting quick promotion. So this type of discrimination should be removed by increasing the ratio of IP and ASP.
8. Mail Overseer:
a. The existing Mail overseer will continue in the sub divisions.
b. They will assist sub divisional head in verification of MO payment/SB withdrawals/RPLI payments and procurement of business.
9. Clerical Assistance:
a. The work load of divisional office will considerably reduced if some of the powers are delegated to the sub divisional heads. The surplus PA can be attached to Sub Divisions so that the sub divisional head will get clerical assistance also.
10. Supply of computer/Laptop with internet facility.
a. It is very important to supply computer to sub divisions so that all data pertaining to sub division can be stored in the system.
b. Sub Divisional can also be used as Customer Care Centre in respect of RPLI business. Reminders can be issued to defaulting insurants if data is stored in the computer.
c. Communication can be sent/received by email.
S.Samuel GS
Earlier there was a proposal to upgrade all IP sub divisions into ASP sub divisions. After Heads of Circle Conference at 13th and 14th April 2009 the Dept. has revised the proposal to make all Sub Divisions to be manned by IPs only. Accordingly there is a proposal to attach all ASPs with D.O./R.O./C.O. It is only at the proposal stage and there was a discussion on this for about two hours with Member (P), DDG(Est) and DDG(P). They are of the view that IPs should be engaged first as Sub Divisional heads and after gaining enough experience in the field they must be attached to administrative offices.
But I strongly advocated all Sub Divisions should be upgraded to ASP status. Then only the benefit acquiring Gazetted status would be fruitful and many of the financial / administrative powers exercised by Divisional Heads should be decentralized and efficiency of the Post offices at field level can be improved. While all sub divisional heads in all State nad Central Govt. Depts. Are manned by Gazetted Officers the same arrangement may be also be made in Postal Dept. However I informed Member (P) that a final opinion of our Association would be submitted to the Dept. after consultation with all Circle Secretaries only. Member(P) has given us two weeks time to come up with a final proposal. I request all Circle Secretaries to have a discussion immediately with working committee members and your circle proposal either by post or by eMail. The following information is also urgently required to analyse and send the proposal. The same may pl. be collected from your C.O./R.O. and send it to CHQ immediately.
Matter most urgent. Pl give priority to this letter.
Sl.No. | Name of the Postal Division | Status | No.of ASP(HQ) in DO | No.of OS(IP cadre)in DO | No.of ASP(Tour/OutDoor) in DO | No.of CI in DO | No.of Sub Dns manned by ASPs | No.of Sub Dns manned by IPs | No.of MailOverseeers attached to ASP SubDns | No.of MailOverseers attached to IP Sub Dns |
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
All are requested to post their suggestions/views immediately.
S. Samuel, General Secretary
Shri S. Samuel, General Secretary joined as Asst. Director(Rural Business) at Directorate (Room No 343F, Dak Bhawan) on 16.4.2009 and his phone numbers are given below for information of our members:-
Mobile: 09718641103 Office: 011 23036204 CHQ: 011 23811333
Immediately after joining at Directorate our GS called on Secretary Posts , Member (P), DDG(Est), DDG(P) and Director(SR) alongwith Shri Hari Prasad , Circle Secretary Rajasthan and Shri S.Ravi, CHQ Treasurer. Discussion on the following subjects were held:- 1. Supplementary DPC for promotion to PS Gr B. (The DPC will be held on 21.04.2009. About 15 ASPs are likely to be promoted). 2. CRs will be called for the DPC for PS Gr B for the year 2009 shortly. 3. Promotion to is held up due to want of CRs from three Circles. 4. Earlier there was a proposal to upgrade all IP sub divisions into ASP sub divisions. After Heads of Circle Conference at 13th and 14th April 2009 the Dept. has revised the proposal to make all Sub Divisions to be manned by IPs only. Accordingly there is a proposal to attach all ASPs with D.o./R.O./C.O. It is only at the proposal stage and there was a discussion on this for about two hours with Member (P), DDG(Est) and DDG(P).
Suggestions have been called for from all the Circel Secretaries through eMail.
Shri.S.Samuel, our General Secretary was deputed by the Department on a study tour to Germany and returned on 28th March 2009. The objective of the tour was to facilitate exchange of service union representatives between Deutsche Post Germany and India Post to give an exposure to Foreign Postal administration. The following union leaders were deputed from 22.03.2009 to 28.03.2009 under the leadership of Shri Subash Chander , Director (SR), Postal Directorate.
1. Shri S.Samuel, SPOs, Chengalpattu 603001 - General Secretary, AIA of IP/ASP 2. Shri D.Theyagarajan, SA , Chennai Sorting Division - Secretary General , FNPO 3. Shri M.Mohanarangam, ASP, Mail Business Chennai -General Secretary, RMS ASP/IP 4. Shri T.N.Rahate, Postman,Tank Road P.O., Mumbai-33- General Secretary, NUPE P 4
This is the first time General Secretary of our Association has been deputed abroad on study tour. It was a good exposure and enlightened the union leaders about the growth and success of German Postal System. Deutsche Post World Net is the global market leader for logistics. It has three Divisions viz. Deutsche Post, DHL and Postbank. While Deutsche Post delivers mail and parcels in Germany, DHL delivers time critical shipments, as well as goods and merchandise, by road, rail, air or sea and Postbank is the largest single retail bank in Germany. Deutsche Postbank serves 14.5 million custormers. It employs more than 4,200 mobile financial advisors. It primarily provides traditional savings and current account offerings, private real estate financing and home loan savings products. Over 5,00,000 employees in more than 220 countries make the German Post the sixth largest employer. Deutsche Post was fully privitised in the year 2000.While it was a government department, it was running with huge loss. After privitisation, it is continuously earning profit. The employees are very responsible and hard working. The company is also doing a lot for the welfare of its employees. Both the employer and employees work in harmony and that is the success story.
TA Bill form (.pdf)
APP.11 (Word Document)
PSS Group B - CR Form (Word Document)
Financial Powers to Head of Postal Divisions
Financial Powers to Head of RMS Divisions
All India Seniority List of IPs/ASPs