Thursday, September 28, 2017
Contempt Petition regarding upgradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts w.e.f 01.01.2006 ..... Updates
Petition filed by our Association bearing No. C.P/180/00137/2016
before Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench in OA No.
180/00289/2013 regarding up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts w.e.f. 1/1/2006 was heard on 25/9/2017.
After hearing the case, Hon'ble Tribunal has rejected all the three affidavits filed on behalf of the Respondent and directed the Respondent i.e Secretary,
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, to file fresh affidavit within 30 days complying the
Tribunal Order.
Copy of the order/record of proceedings of the Hon'ble Tribunal
is to be received. After receipt of the same, the complete details will be placed on blog. We may hope for the best.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Retirement in the month of September 2017
JTS Gr. ‘A’ and PS Gr. ‘B’ Officers are retiring from Govt. Service on
superannuation on 30/9/2017.
of Officer
Aurangabad Division
K Kar
Contai Division
PSD Tiruchirapalli
wishes them happy, healthy and peaceful retirement life.
Information on Maternity Leave
Leave Rules – Maternity Leave
& SR Part III
Pregnancy Eligibility
: A female
Government servant (including an apprentice) with less than two surviving
children may be granted maternity leave – Rule 43 (1)
Duration : 180 days from the date of its
commencement – Rule 43 (1). DOPT OM dated 11-9-2008
Leave Salary : During such period, she shall be
paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on
leave. – Rule 43 (2)
Miscarriage / abortion
: Maternity leave
not exceeding 45 days may also be granted to a female Government servant
(irrespective of the number of surviving children) during the entire service of
that female Government in case of miscarriage including abortion on production
of medical certificate as laid down in Rule 19. `Provided that the maternity
leave granted and availed of before the commencement of the CCS (Leave)
Amendment Rules, 1995, shall not be taken into account for the purpose of this
sub-rule. – Rule 43 (3)
leave shall not be debited against the leave account – Rule 43 (5)
leave may be combined with leave of any other kind. – Rule 43 (4) (a)
of the kind due and admissible (including commuted leave for a period not
exceeding 60 days and leave not due) that can be granted in continuation with
Maternity Leave provided in Rule 43(4)(b) shall be increased to 2 years. DOPT
OM dated 11-9-2008
which counts for increments. – F.R. 26 (b)
the case of a person to whom Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948),
applies, the amount of leave salary payable under this rule shall be reduced by
the amount of benefit payable under the said Act for the corresponding period.
– Note below Rule 43(2)
for induced abortion
admissible for ‘threatened abortion
Mascot Design Competition for Postal life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance
To read the details, please CLICK HERE. All members and track in viewers are requested to give the wide publicity to this among all staff and friends, relatives etc.
No. D-11011/36/2016- DBT (Cab.)
Govt. of India
Cabinet Secretariat
DBT Mission
Subject: Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EFF) accounts regarding.
meeting was held under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DBT Mission,
Cabinet Secretariat on 25th August, 2017 at 11:00 A.M in the Conference Hall,
4th floor, Shjvaji Stadium Annexe Building, Rajiv Chowk, New Delhi on the
subject mentioned above. The list of participants isplaced at Annexure I.
2. Joint
Secretary, DBT Mission welcomed the participants and stated that the
objective of the meeting is to deliberate on Aadhaar linking of GPF, PPF and
EPF accounts of employees, examine the possibility of a centralised repository
of employees" fund details with Aadhaar as the primary identifier and
establishing portability of fund accounts across organisations. He requested
all stakeholders to share comments and suggestions in this regard.
3. Deputy
CGA, Govt. Banking Arrangements, D/o Expenditure informed that an on-line
salary application system, Employee Information System (EIS) is being
developed within PF MS for implementation in all Drawing and Disbursing
Offices (DDOS) and Pay Accounts Offices (PAOS) of Central Ministries. EIS
is envisaged to be a central repository of details of all salaried
employees, and it can also maintain details of GPF of
government employees. He fiirther stated that at present, Aadhaar number
is not a mandatory field in employee information records, due to which
Aadhaar seeding may be low. it was discussed that if the employee data on E13
are linked with Aad’naar, it may serve the purpose of establishing
interoperability of salary and GPF accounts across DDOs. It was highlighted
that Railways and Defence departments are not covered under £18. An
example of e-Samarth was cited, which is a centralised database of CRPP
(Central Reserve Police Force) in MHA, which may be studied for this
purpose. Dy CGA also mentioned that M/o Railways and Defence may also be
consulted in this context.
4. Senior
Audit Officer, Office of Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) of India, Delhi stated
that at present, State AG (Auditor General) offices assign new GPF numbers
to employees while moving across different FAQs and there is no
centralized mapping system with Aadhaar as the primary identifier. JS. DBT
Mission requested that the matter may be taken up with the Office of
C&AG, with the concerned Dy C&AG to examine the possibility of
mapping all State GPF subscribers across the country. It was suggested that the
role of a third party such as NSDL to create and maintain this database
may also be examined.
5. Assistant Director,
D/o Posts stated that that
presently, around 25 lakh PPF accounts out of 27.2 lakh accounts are on Core
Banking Solution (CBS) network and these accounts are portable across Post
Offices. It was informed that every PPF account is associated with a PPF number
and a Customer Identification Form (CIF) number, which is a unique number
that holds all personal as well as account related information of the
customer. ideally, a customer can have one CIF number in one post office.
though the customer can have multiple accounts under these numbers. It was
further informed that Aadhaar linking with individual accounts and CIF
numbers is being undertaken and 4.7 crore ClFs out of total 56 crore CIFs
(which also include savings certificates, term deposit accounts, etc) have
been seeded with Aadhaar. JS, DBT pointed out that Aadhaar seeding is
very low in this case, and the Department may undertake necessary actions to
expedite the same to achieve 100% seeding by December 31, 2017. It was
further suggested that all PPF accounts and CIF numbers may be linked
with Aadhaar and the Department may share its suggestions on establishing
a common repository of all PPF accounts using Aadhaar as the identifier.
6. Deputy Director, M/o Labour & Employment stated the Universal Account Number (UAN) provides portability for the employees covered under EPF. It was informed that 14 crore out of 4 crore active subscribers’ records have been seeded with Aadhaar. It was discussed that this will enable portability of EPF accounts when the details of Bank Account, Aadhaar and PAN are seeded in UAN database of the employees and are verified by employer on change of job. It was suggested that Aadhaar seeding of all may be taken up priority.
7. Deputy Secretary, Budget, D/o Economic
Affairs stated that a host of small saving schemes including PPF are
Operated by post offices, public sector banks and select private secror
banks and Aadhaar seeding is being undertaken in all these accounts. JS, DBT
Mission enquired if the. Department is taking any initiative to have a
centralised platform for all savings schemes, given that all banks use
different systems and Operate in silos. It was discussed that the Department
may examine the matter and share updates in this regard.
8. After detailed deliberations, the following were agreed upon.
All stakeholder Departments to ensure 100% Aadhaar seeding of GPF, PPF and EPF
accounts by December 31, 2017.
All Departments to examine the possibility of developing common platforms for
their respective service subscribers/employees/account holders using Aadhaar as
the unique identifier to ensure portability across the financial system.
iii. DBT Mission to hold a review meeting with senior officers of all stakeholder Departments in the second week of September. 2017 to discuss the issue further.
No. D-11011/36/2016-DBT (Cab.)
Government of India
Cabinet Secretariat
DBT Mission
4th Floor, Shivaji Stadium Annexe
Rajiv Chowk, New Delhi- 110001
Dated: 29th August, 2017
Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public
Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) accounts-regarding.
undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of record of discussion of
the meeting held under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, DBT Mission,
Cabinet Secretariat on 25.08.2017 at 11.00 AM on the subject mentioned above
for information and further necessary action, please.
Employees' Provident Fund
(Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India)
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaiji
Cama Place, New Delhi - 110066
Date: 22.09.2017
All ACCs (Zones) including ACC (ASD),
All ACCs (Zones) including ACC (ASD),
RPFC-I/ RPFC 11 (Regional Offices),
Sub:- Aadhaar linking and interoperability of General Provident Fund (GPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) -regarding.
find enclosed herewith a letter No.D-11011/36/2016-DBT (Cab.) dated 29.08.2017
received from Assistant Director, Cabinet Secretariat, DBT Mission forwarding
therewith record of discussions of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of
Joint Secretary, DBT Mission on 25.08.2017, wherein it has been directed that
all the Departments should ensure 100% of Aadhaar seeding by December 31,2017.
It is requested to implement the instructions issued by the Cabinet
Secretariat, DBT Mission, New Delhi for seeding of Aadhaar by December 31,
issues with the approval of ACC-II (CAIU)].
Yours faithfully,
As above
(A.K. Mandal)
Regional P. F. Commissioner-I(CAIU)
I-T department asks taxpayers to update their information on e-filing portal
Income Tax Department has asked taxpayers, who file ITRs and conduct other I-T
businesses online, to update their profiles and vital details on the official
e-filing portal to ensure an "effective communication" between the
department today issued an advisory asking taxpayers to furnish their latest
information such as personal and secondary email and mobile phone numbers,
address and bank account details.
details will be verified and processed after the taxpayer is sent a One Time Password
(OTP) over the email and through SMS over the phone.
registration process to facilitate effective communication between the taxpayer
and the department is enabled. The existing e-filing users are required to
update their profile by logging into e-filing account. Users who have
registered already and not activated has to register again," the advisory
updated information, a senior official said, is being sought to ensure that a
communication sent to a taxpayer reaches him without fail and in good
taxpayer can do any business using their personal e- filing account only after
updating the details," he said.
Economic Times
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
XXXI All India Postal Wrestling Tournament 2017 at Aurangabad (Maharashtra) from 18-9-2017 to 20-9-2017
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L to R : Shri Santosh Kulkarni ADPS (Bldg) CO Mumbai, Shri Pranav Kumar PMG Aurangabad Region, Brig. Anurag Vij, Guest of Honour, Shri Kaka Pawar Shivchhatrapati and Arjun Award Winner |

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Speech by Shri Kaka Pawar National Wrestler |
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Opening bout |
Anubhav Awards for Outstanding Pensioners
Awards will be presented to 17 pensioners for their contribution towards
creating institutional memory for the departments.
Jitendra Singh to inaugurate first ‘Pension Adalat’ tomorrow
for outstanding contribution towards ‘Anubhav’ to be awarded
App to avail the services of Pensioners’ Portal also to be launched
Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern
Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic
Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh will inaugurate the first ‘Pension Adalat’
here tomorrow. He will also award the Pensioners for their outstanding
contribution towards ‘Anubhav’ – a platform for retiring employees for sharing
their experience of working with Government. Moving ahead from e-governance to
m-governance, a Mobile App has been created to avail the services of
Pensioners’ Portal which will also be launched by Dr Jitendra Singh tomorrow.
As a measure of welfare to the pensioners of Government of India, a workshop on
Pre-Retirement Counseling (PRC) of 300 retiring Central Government employees is
also scheduled to be held. The event is being organized by Department of
Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions, Government of India.
objective of this workshop is to create awareness about the post-retirement
entitlements as well as an advance planning for life after retirement. There
will be four interactive sessions which will cover inter-alia, the road map to
retirement, medical facilities for pensioners, re-engagement of retired people
for voluntary social activities under ‘Sankalp’. There will be another session
on Income Tax and other benefits for senior citizens as well as investment and
financial planning for retired people and the Importance of writing a Will.
Pension Department in this programme will launch the first of a series of
Pension Adalats which is being convened with the objective of bringing on a
common table the aggrieved pensioner, the concerned department, the bank or
CGHS representative, wherever relevant, so that such cases can be settled
across the table within the framework of extant rules.
Mobile App to be launched tomorrow will be extending all the services meant for
the pensioner, which are currently available on the Pensioners’ Portal of the
department, to the mobile handset. With this App, a superannuating Central
Government official will be able to monitor the progress of his pension
settlement, and retired officials will be able to self-assess their pension
through the pension calculator and will also be able to register their
grievances, if any, and get updates on orders issued by the Department.
ANUBHAV AWARDS 2017 will be presented to 17 pensioners for their contribution
towards creating institutional memory for the departments. Anubhav scheme had
been instituted on the call of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to encourage
retiring/retired employees to submit their experiences while working in the
government with the objective to create an institutional wealth for the
government for future governance as well as to enthuse and inspire the future
generations of government officials in their respective assignments.
PIB News
60 Days Productivity Linked Bonus for Regular Employees and GDS
To view Directorate order under Memo No. 26-1/2017-PAP dated 18th September 2017, please CLICK HERE.

Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiries - reg.
To view DoPT OM dated 15/9/2017, please CLICK HERE.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi Dated, the 15 th
September, 2017
Subject:- Procedure
for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers for conducting
Departmental Inquiries- reg.
undersigned is directed to state that the issue of utilizing the services of
retired officers for conducting departmental inquiries had been under
consideration of the Department. It has now been decided that panels of retired
officers from the Ministries/Departments under Government of India and PSUs
would be created and maintained by the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities
for conducting Departmental Inquiries against the delinquent officials.
Procedure for empanelment of retired officers as the Inquiry Officers - Panels
of retired officers not below the rank of Deputy Secretary in Central
Government and equivalent officer in the State Governments/PSUs to be appointed
as the Inquiry Officer for the purpose of conducting departmental inquiries
would be maintained level/rank wise and place-specific by each cadre
controlling authority where its offices are located.
Validity of the panel - The panel of the retired officers created for the
purpose of appointing Inquiry Officers for conducting departmental inquiry will
be valid for a period of three years. The respective Cadre Controlling
Authority will ensure that a panel of retired Inquiry Officers is available
with them.
Following are the eligibility conditions for appointment of willing retired
officers as the Inquiry Officers to conduct departmental inquiries:-
Retired officers who are willing to serve as Inquiry Officer.
He/she should not have been penalized in a Disciplinary Proceeding case (no
penalty in DP or prosecution in criminal case)
The respective Cadre Controlling Authority will immediately take necessary
action for inviting applications from willing and eligible retired officers to
serve as the Inquiry Officer for conducting departmental inquiry. In this
regard, a format for inviting applications is annexed.
A three-member committee consisting of Joint Secretary level officers including
CVO of the concerned Ministry/Departments/PSUs would be constituted by the
respective cadre controlling authority. The other two members can be from the
same Ministry/Department or from the attached or subordinate office. After
receipt of willingness of the retired officers, names of the officers will be
screened by the committee so constituted. The formation of panel will be a
continuous and ongoing process. The DA will decide on the appointment of the JO
based on willingness for a case, experience in the sector and status of
residence. Committee constituted for making panels of retired officers as the
Inquiry Officer has to keep in mind that applications of retired officers
willing to serve as an Inquiry Officer should be scrutinized carefully to
ensure that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
The number of disciplinary cases assigned to an Inquiry Officer may be
restricted to 8 cases in a year, with not more than 4 cases at a time.
Terms and conditions for appointment of retired officers as the Inquiry
Officer. The designated Inquiry Officer shall require to give an undertaking as
that he/she is not a witness or a complainant in the matter to be inquired into
or a close relative or a known friend of the delinquent Government officer. A
certificate to this effect will be obtained from the Inquiry Officer with
respect to every inquiry and placed on record
shall maintain strict secrecy in relation to the documents he/she receives or
information/data collected by him/her in connection with the inquiry and
utilize the same only for the purpose of inquiry in the case entrusted to
No such documents/information or data shall be divulged to anyone during the
Inquiry or after presentation of the Inquiry Report. All the records, reports
etc. available with the Inquiry Officer shall be duly returned to the authority
which appointed him/her as such, at the time of presentation of the Inquiry
The Inquiry Officer shall conduct the inquiry proceedings at a location taking
into account the availability of records, station/place where the misconduct
occurred as well as the convenience of the witnesses/ PO etc. Video
Conferencing should be utilized to the maximum extent possible to minimize
travel undertaken by the IO/PO/CO. The cadre controlling authorities will
facilitate necessary arrangements for the Video Conferencing. —
The Inquiry Officer shall undertake travel for conducting inquiry (in
unavoidable circumstances) with the approval of an authority as may be nominated
by the concerned Ministry/Department.
The Inquiry Officer shall submit the inquiry report after completing the
inquiry within 180 days from the date of his/her appointment as the Inquiry
Officer. Extension of time beyond 180 days can be granted only by the Authority
as may be prescribed.
The rates of honorarium and other allowances payable to the Inquiry Officer
will be as under:-
Time taken to complete the inquiry proceedings
Rate per case (in rupees)
Where the number of witnesses cited in the charge
sheet is more than 10
80% of monthly basic pension drawn
Where the number of witnesses cited in the charge
sheet are between 6-10
60% of monthly basic pension drawn
Where the number of witnesses cited in the charge
sheet is less than 6
50% of monthly basic pension drawn | |
Transport Allowance
Rs. 40,000/- per case Subject to the condition that
the for outstation journey, the actual expenses for Air/Railway AC 1 will be
reimbursed in addition. ( subject to the approval of the competent authority
and for outstation journey by Air journey will be performed by Air India in
the cheapest of the entitled class a per their status before retirement and
tickets will have to be arranged through authorized /permissible sources as
per MoF's guidelines;. If journey is not performed by Air India, prior
approval for travelling in airlines other than Air India would be required as
per the prescribed procedure; Similarly traveling by train would also be permissible/restricted
as per the far of class entitled to the officer before retirement
Secretarial Assistance
Where the number of witnesses cited in the charge
sheet is more than 10
Where the number of witnesses cited in the charge
sheet are between 6-10
Where the number of witnesses cited in the charge
sheet is less than 6
will be paid on submission of the Inquiry Report. Remaining amount will be paid
within 45 days. In case it is not possible to proceed with the matter due to
stay by courts etc., the Inquiry Officer may be discharged from his/her duties
and payment of honorarium and other allowances will be made on pro rata basis.
Before the payment is received by the Inquiry Officer, it will be his/her
responsibility to ensure that:-
All case records and inquiry report (two ink signed copies) properly documented
and arranged is handed over to the office of Disciplinary Authority.
The report returns findings on each of the Articles of Charge which has been
enquired into should specifically deal and address each of the procedural
objections, if any, raised by the charged officers as per the extant rules and
There should not be any ambiguity in the inquiry report and therefore every
care should be taken to ensure that all procedures for conducting departmental
inquiries have been followed in accordance with the relevant rules/instructions
of disciplinary and appeal Rules to which the delinquent Government officials
are governed.
Letter regarding engaging a retired officer as the Inquiry Officer will only be
issued with the approval of the Disciplinary Authority of the
Ministry/Department/ Office concerned.
A review of every empanelled Inquiry Officer will be done after receipt of 2
inquiry reports where adherence to time lines and the procedure and quality of
work will be assessed by the concerned Ministry. Subsequent allocation of work
may be done only after such evaluation. The services of Inquiry Officers whose
performance is not upto the mark will be terminated with the approval of
appointing authority.
Any issue arising out of this O.M. between the Inquiring Officer and the
Disciplinary Authority will be decided by the Secretary , DoPT whose decision
shall be final and binding on both parties.
These guidelines are issued for internal use of DoPT and other Cadre
controlling authorities may adopt the same with suitable amendments.
Secretary to the Govt. of India
All Ministries / Departments ( As per Standard List)
State Chief Secretaries ( As per Standard List)
Friday, September 15, 2017
To view Directorate Memo No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A) dated 13.9.2017, please CLICK HERE.
Central govt employees not to get arrears on revised minimum pay
Report :
the central government employees are hoping to get hike in minimum pay under
7th Pay Commission soon, the government has now decided that the employees will
not get arrears on revised minimum pay, a media report said.
this month, there were several media reports which stated that the Ministry of
Finance is planning to raise the minimum pay hike from Rs 18,000 to Rs 21,000
under 7th Pay Commission.
June, the Ministry had fixed minimum pay at Rs 18,000 considering the
fitment formula at 2.57. Now, the government may agree to raise
fitment factor to 3 times.
according to a report by The Sen Times, which quoted a government officials
saying, "Finance Minister is very pleased to hike the minimum pay Rs 21,000
with raising fitment factor 3.00 times from 2.57 times, will be paid
from January next year. It’s an important payment for the financial impact to
central government employees but no arrears on higher minimum pay will be given
to employees and the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will place it before the
Cabinet in the month of January next year."
All 1.55 lakh post offices to offer payments bank service
DELHI: India Post Payments Bank is gearing up to provide its
financial services through all of 1.55 lakh post offices and 3 lakh employees
by the end of 2018 -- which will create India's second-largest payments bank in
terms of reach.
"We will have post bank footprint in every district by March 2018, and before the end of the calendar year, all 1.55 lakh post offices and every postman and grameen dak sevak, which is another 3 lakh, will be equipped with a device which will provide full range of payment solutions that we will be hosting," India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) Chief Executive Officer A P Singh said at an event organised by United Nations on Financial Inclusion.
In the private space, AirtelBSE -0.70 % Payments Bank, launched in January this year, started operations with a network of 2.5 lakh merchants.
Payments banks can accept deposits of up to Rs 1 lakh per account from individuals and small businesses.
The new model of banking allows mobile firms, supermarket chains and others to cater to banking requirements of individuals and small businesses. It will be set up as a differentiated bank and will confine its activities to acceptance of demand deposits, remittance services, Internet banking and other specified services.
IPPB offers an interest rate of 4.5 per cent on deposits up to Rs 25,000, 5 per cent on Rs 25,000-50,000 and 5.5 per cent on Rs 50,000-1,00,000.
"While our private sector counterparts will, I take it very positively, skim the market from the top, you need someone who works bottoms up. That is our choice," Singh said.
He said that similar to State Bank of IndiaBSE 0.20 % that was created to take banking to people, IPPB is going to take digital payments to masses.
At the event, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Chairman R S Sharma said transaction cost on digital payment should be very minimal and it should be made affordable.
IPPB, according to Singh, will use Aadhaar as payment address of an individual, indicating that the postal bank may bring the transaction charge close to 1 paisa.
"We will convert it (Aadhaar) into payment address. We will get this activated by offering a host of payment services," Singh said.
"We have taken up the challenge on ourselves as to how we make a Rs 10 transaction viable. Aadhaar authentication cost less than 1 paisa. There is no reason why a payment transaction should be transacting anything more," Singh said.
At present, private players and even public banks charge transaction fee even on digital payments, depending on the nature of the transaction.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Re-fixation of the inter se seniority of the Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group 'A' officers of 2009 batch
To view Directorate Memo No. 4-7/212-SPG dated 6/9/2017, please CLICK HERE.
m-Aadhar – Proof of Identity for Rail Travel
Press Information
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
16:34 IST
Ministry of Railways permits
m-Aadhar as one of the prescribed proofs of Identity for Rail Travel Purpose.
Ministry of Railways has
decided to permit m- Aadhar (Aadhar card on mobile app namely m- Aadhar
launched by UIDAI) as one of the prescribed proofs of Identity for Rail Travel
purpose in any reserved class.
m-Aadhar is a mobile app
launched by UIDAI on which a person can download his/her Aadhar Card. It can be
done only on the mobile number to which Aadhar has been linked. For showing
Aadhar, the person has to open the app and enter his/ her password to show the
Aadhar Card.
m-Aadhar when shown by the
passenger on his/her mobile after entering the password should be accepted as
proof of identity for undertaking journey in any reserved class over Indian
Railways. It is effective from 8th September 2017.
Special Cover on Rejuvenation of tanks and wells in Vijayapura - 18th August 2017.
(Bijapur) of Karnataka State set an exemplary move for combating drought and
achieving self-sufficiency in water utilization by rejuvenating traditional
water resources and employing traditional harvesting techniques. Taj Bavadi is
a heritage well built in 1620 by Ibrahim Adil Shah in memory of his quees Taj
Sultana. Among such heritage wells, locally known as Bavadies, Taj Bavadi
occupies first place with its size and grandeur. Such 20 heritage wells were
rejuvenated with the aid of local donors, special grant from the Water Resource
Ministry of Govt. of Karnataka through City Corporation.
the occasion of National Water Convention held at BLDE ground, Vijayapura
(Bijapur), a Special Cover was released on Rejuvenation of tanks and wells in
Vijayapura commemorating Taj Bavadi by Chief Ministerof Karnataka Sri. Siddaramaiah
in presence of Postmaster General, NK Region, Smt. Veena Srinivas and other
guests. (Special Cover Approval No. KTK/68/2017).

Approval of introduction of the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2017 in the Parliament
of introduction of the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2017 in the
Parliament संसद में उपादान भुगतान (संशोधन)
विधेयक, 2017 को
पेश करने की
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
12-September-2017 16:53 IST
approves introduction of the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2017 in the
Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its
approval for introduction of the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill, 2017 in
the Parliament.
Amendment will increase the maximum limit of gratuity of employees, in the
private sector and in Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Organizations
under Government who are not covered under CCS (Pension) Rules, at par with
Central Government employees.
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 applies to establishments employing 10 or more
persons. The main purpose for enacting this Act is to provide social security
to workmen after retirement, whether retirement is a result of the rules of
superannuation, or physical disablement or impairment of vital part of the
body. Therefore, the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 is an important social
security legislation to wage earning population in industries, factories and
present upper ceiling on gratuity amount under the Act is Rs. 10 Lakh. The
provisions for Central Government employees under Central Civil Services
(Pension) Rules, 1972 with regard to gratuity are also similar. Before
implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission, the ceiling under CCS (Pension)
Rules, 1972 was Rs. 10 Lakh. However, with implementation of 7th Central Pay
Commission, in case of Government servants, the ceiling now is Rs. 20 Lakhs
effective from 1.1.2016.
considering the inflation and wage increase even in case of employees engaged
in private sector, the Government is of the view that the entitlement of
gratuity should be revised for employees who are covered under the Payment of
Gratuity Act, 1972. Accordingly, the Government initiated the process for
amendment to Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
सूचना कार्यालय
17:16 IST
मंत्रिमंडल ने संसद
में उपादान
भुगतान (संशोधन)
विधेयक, 2017 को
पेश करने की
मंजूरी दी
प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र
मोदी की अध्यक्षता में केंद्रीय
मंत्रिमंडल ने संसद
में उपादान
भुगतान (संशोधन)
विधेयक, 2017 को
पेश करने को
अपनी मंजूरी
दे दी है।
इस संशोधन
से निजी क्षेत्र और सरकार
के अधीन सार्वजनिक उपक्रम/स्वायत्त
संगठनों के कर्मचारियों के उपादान
की अधिकतम
सीमा में वृद्धि होगी, जो केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों के अनुसार
सीसीएस (पेंशन)
नियमावली के अधीन
शामिल नहीं हैं।
दस अथवा अधिक
लोगों को नियोजित करने वाली स्थापनाओं के लिए उपादान भुगतान अधिनियम,
1972 लागू है। इस
अधिनियम को लागू
करने का मुख्य
उद्देश्य है - सेवानिवृति के बाद कामगारों की सामाजिक
सुरक्षा, चाहे सेवानिवृति की नियमावली
के परिणामस्वरूप
सेवानिवृति हुई हो
अथवा शरीर के
महत्वपूर्ण अंग के
नाकाम होने से
शारीरिक विकलांगता
के कारण सेवानिवृति हुई हो। इसलिए
उपादान भुगतान
अधिनियम 1972, उद्योगों, कारखानों और स्थापनाओं में मजदूरी
अर्जित करने वाली
जनसंख्या के लिए
एक महत्वपूर्ण सामाजिक सुरक्षा
का विधान
अधिनियम के तहत
उपादान राशि पर
मौजूदा अधिकतम
सीमा 10 लाख रूपये
है। उपादान
के संबंध
में सीसीएस
(पेंशन) नियमावली,
1972 के अधीन केंद्रीय कर्मचारियों के लिए
भी समान प्रावधान हैं। सातवां
केंद्रीय वेतन आयोग
लागू होने से
पहले सीसीएस
(पेंशन) नियमावली,1972
के अधीन अधिकतम सीमा 10 लाख रूपये
थी। हालांकि
सातवां केंद्रीय
वेतन आयोग लागू
होने से सरकारी कर्मचारियों के मामले
में 1 जनवरी,
2016 से अधिकतम
सीमा अब 20
लाख रूपये
इसलिए निजी क्षेत्र में काम करने
वाले कर्मचारियों
के मामले
में भी महंगाई और वेतन वृद्धि पर विचार
करते हुए सरकार
का अब यह
विचार है कि
उपादान भुगतान
अधिनियम,1972 के अधीन
शामिल कर्मचारियों
के लिए उपादान की पात्रता
में संशोधन
किया जाना चाहिए। तदनुसार, सरकार
ने उपादान
भुगतान अधिनयिम,
1972 में संशोधन
की प्रक्रिया
शुरू की।
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