Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
CHQ News.....
the Course of visit to Directorate on 26th and 27th
November 2015, General Secretary, Asst General Secretary-I and CHQ Treasurer
met Hon’ble Secretary (Posts), DDG (Estt), Director (Estt), Director (SR), ADG
(Estt), ADG (Staff) and many more officers in the Directorate. Member (P) and
Director (Staff) were on leave.
following issues were discussed with the officers.
Issue of combined seniority list of Inspector Posts
cadre since 2001 onwards
The work of preparation of combined
seniority list is said to be under process, but circle seniority lists from few
circles are not received at Directorate. Directorate has already issued
reminder to defaulting circles.
Issue of revised Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre
The query raised by UPSC is replied
by Directorate.
Reduction of quota of General Line in PS Gr. B
Examination from 6% to 3%
This issue is linked up with RR.
Once RR of PS Gr. B finalised, then quota will be reduced.
Holding of DPC for the promotion to the cadre Dy. Manager
ACRs of eligible officers will be
called for soon. Three posts are vacant.
Issue of revised Recruitment Rules for the post of
Assistant Manager in MMS
File is under submission to UPSC.
Holding of PS Gr. B Examination for the year 2013,
2014 and 2015
Online examination will be held
separately for each year by keeping sufficient gap between two examinations. RFP
is not finalised. Question Bank not received from RANKPA. Reminders have already
been issued.
Inter circle Rule 38 transfer cases of Inspector Posts
Associations letter No.
CHQ/IPASP/Agenda/2012 dated 7/7/2015 addressed to Member (P) forwarded to
concerned circle by Directorate under Memo No. 13-4/2015-SPB-II dated 9th
July 2015 with a direction to take necessary action.
Holding of periodical meeting with Hon’ble Secretary
It is expected in last week of
January 2016 or first week of February 2015.
Completion of appointment formalities of candidates nominated by Staff Selection
Commission for appointment as Inspector Posts on the basis of Combined
candidates Level Examination 2013
Concerned circle will speed up the
issue and complete at the earliest.
10. Vigilance enquiry in the death case of Ms Mohini Gupta
Ex-ASP Ajmer (Raj.)
Report called for from Rajasthan Circle
is awaited. Reminders already sent.
restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre
This vital issue discussed at length
keeping in view the recommendations given by 7CPC for our cadre.
Association requested to DOP in
writing i.e. “In continuation to this Association’s letter of even number dated
16-06-2015, it is to intimate that the 7CPC has submitted their report to the
Government of India on 19-11-2015.
In view of the above, the proposal
submitted by this Association on the subject may kindly be kept in abeyance
till implementation of recommendations of the 7CPC”.
12. Non consideration of candidature for PS Gr. B
Chandrasekar, ASP Rajamundry Sub Division (AP)
Officers’ promotion to PS Gr. B
cadre will considered in review DPC.
S. Prakash Rao, ASP Nizamabad (AP)
The recommendation of the DPC is
kept in sealed cover.
13. DPC
for the promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr. A for the year 2015-16
File is already sent to UPSC. Date
for holding of DPC is awaited from UPSC
14. DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for
year 2016-17
The names of the officers of
Inspector Posts cadre from 1992 (excluding the names who selected in last DPC
2015-16) to 2000 will be communicated very soon to all circles with a direction to
intimate the correct availability of incumbents by deleting the names of
retired, promoted, expired etc. officers to carry out further DPCs smoothly.
15. Sr. PM cadre examination
Two court cases are still pending in
Odisha circle. In both the cases, counter reply filed by department.
16. Other activities
Group discussion of the IPs and ASPs
working in Directorate arranged on 26/11/2015. Very few members attended/participated
and took part in the discussion. The grievances / suggestions / vies of the
attendees noted down and will be taken up with the appropriate authority. Few
of them will be discussed in detailed in ensuing AIC.
Only Shri P. Ajit Kumar ASP (RB) and
AGS-I has paid his subscription to CHQ Treasurer. On enquiry with cash section
it was told that no subscription of IPs / ASPs working in Directorate is lying
at their end since last 6-7 years.
ADPS (Building) Delhi circle requested
for minor repairing of accommodation provided to this Association at P&T
Colony Civil Lines.
Govt to bring Bonus Act amendment bill
Delhi, Nov 28, 2015, DHNS: Government
will introduce a bill in the ongoing
winter session to amend the Bonus Act,
1965, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Parliament on Friday. Replying to the two-day special debate to mark the Constitution Day and Dr BR
Ambedkar’s 125th birth anniversary, Modi said: “We are going to bring an
important bill in this House to amend Bonus Act. The Cabinet has already
approved it. This is a very important bill for our workers. We are taking
decisions and working for welfare of the labour class.”
Bonus calculations :
The amendment bill seeks to enhance extent of coverage for payment of bonus from the existing wage limit of Rs 10,000 to Rs 21,000 per month as well as the calculation limit for payment of bonus from Rs 3,500 to Rs 7,000 per month.
The Union Cabinet had approved the amendment in the Payment of Bonus Act 1965 for the Industrial workers last month, making them eligible for the reward.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Public Services International /LOTCO Trade Union Rights Project meeting at Cochin
PSI/LOTCO Trade Union Rights Project is holding Evaluation meeting at Cochin on 2nd and 3rd December 2015.
Shri Manjunath Hubballi, Circle Secretary Karnataka Circle and Ms Devi Vijayan ASP CSD Trivandrum (Kerala) are representing our Association in the meeting.
In the said meeting followign issues are likely to be discussed :
- To secure legal trade union rights for public employees,
- To ensure active participation of women workers in decision making,
- To work towards creating safe and secure work places free of harassment,
- To organise, recruit and educate young, women and informal workers in public services to enhance membership and strenghten the trade unions
Retirement in the month of November 2015
JTS Gr. A and PS Gr. B Officers are retiring from Govt. Service on
superannuation on 30/11/2015.
Sl. No.
Name of Officer
Shri P. Jayadevan
SSPOs, Calicut Division, Calicut
Shri M R Tivla
SPOs, Jamnagar Division, Jamnagar
Shri Thakur Das Saha
SPOs, Nalbari Division, Nalbari
Shri Thakur Pd. Nandal
Dy. SPOs, Patna Division, Division
Shri Sukhdeo Vashist
Dy. Chief Postmaster Delhi GPO
wishes them a very happy, healthy and long retired life. In few circles, senior
ASPs are working on adhoc basis in PS Gr. B cadre and retiring without getting
regular PS Gr. B promotion, their names are not included in the list, the same
may kindly be reported to GS by SMS.
Central Govt Employees To Get PPO, Other Benefits On Retirement Day
Delhi: The government has decided to give pension payment order (PPO) and all
other retirement benefits on the day of retirement to all 50000 central
government employees retiring every year, Union minister Jitendra Singh said on
goal is to ensure 100 per cent payment of all retirement benefits and the
delivery of pension payment order (PPO) to retiring employees on the day of
retirement itself,” The Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions Jitendra Singh said at the inauguration of a workshop on ‘Bhavishya ’, an online pension sanction and
payment tracking system for central government retirees.
year of a retiring employee is spent in preparation of pension payment order
(PPO) and collecting no-dues certificates as he fears no one will let him in
after he retires. The reputation of a retiring government servants becomes such
that he is preparing to get his pension on time. This is just not done,” Singh
experience shows pension payments are considerably delayed. Retirees need a
dignified exit from service and can’t be expected to run around for their
pension payment order (PPO) and all retirement benefits or make requests to
someone for it,” said an official on this occasion.
Bhavishya involves preparation of advance
list of employees retiring in the next 12 months and sending each such employee
a login and password for ‘ Bhavishya ‘
portal eight months before the date of his retirement on his mobile phone and
e-mail ID.
employee fills up his details on the portal and based on that information,
pension forms are auto-generated by the software and submitted for processing.
The system then sends SMS and e-mail alerts to the employee, his head of
department and disbur...
Minister said apart from ensuring timely disbursal of pension, the Department
is also holding pre-retirement counselling for employees and considering
various options on how best to utilize the experience of retired personnel who
can contribute a lot to the government and society as they are energetic and
resourceful for long beyond 60 years of age.
Overwhelming response received for Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB)
Overwhelming response received from the retail investors for Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB) ;
63,000 applications received for a total of Rs 246.20 crore by the Banks and Post Offices for 917 kgs of gold;
Number of decisions taken to improve the reach of Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS)
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had launched three Gold related Schemes i.e. Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB), Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS) and Indian Gold Coins and Bullions on 5th November, 2015. There has been a mixed response to these schemes from the public. The status of two of the schemes implemented by Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance is as follows:-
Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB):
The main objectives of the scheme is to reduce the demand for physical gold and shift a part of the gold imported every year for investment purposes into financial savings through Gold Bonds.
The first tranche of SGB was issued on behalf of the Government of India by RBI at the branches of scheduled commercial banks and designated post offices through its e-kuber system from 5th November, 2015 to 20th November, 2015. More tranches will be issued during the financial year 2015-16.
This scheme saw an overwhelming response from the investors throughout the country and initial figures show that about 63,000 applications were received for a total of Rs 246.20 crore by the Banks and Post Offices for 917 kgs of gold.
It may be noted that this overwhelming response has been received from the retail investors who are the focus of this scheme. The positive response to this new and innovative saving instrument has elicited response from across the country and it is expected that subsequent tranches will continue to receive such enthusiastic response.
Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS):
The Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS) provides different options to the people to monetize the gold. The idea is to mobilize the gold held by households and institutions in the country and putting this gold into productive use. The scheme aims to reduce the country’s reliance on the import of gold to meet the domestic demand.
Presently there are 33 Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTCs) and 5 refiners that have been notified in the scheme. This had resulted into signing of limited number of tripartite agreements among banks, CPTCs and refiners. After the slow response to this scheme, a meeting of all the stakeholders of the scheme was held in the Department of Economic Affairs. In the meeting, a number of decisions were taken to improve the reach of the scheme. These decisions include:-
• Gold depositors can give their gold directly to the refiner without involving the Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTCs) where ever it is acceptable to the Banks. This will encourage the bulk depositors like HUFs and Institutions to participate in the scheme.
• Fees to the banks on account of testing , transport , refining and storage services at Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTCs ) and refiners for Medium and Long Term Government Deposits will be reimbursed based on the actuals, removing such doubts in the minds of the Banks.
• A circular clarifying the tax treatment clauses on the scheme is being published to clarify that, tax exemptions on Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax would be available to the customers.
• BIS is expected to complete the registration of 55 numbers of Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTCs) by the end of December 2015.
• BIS has published an EOI on its website inviting applications from the more than 13,000 licensed jewellers to act as a CPTC in the scheme provided they have tie-up with BIS’s licensed refiners.
• BIS has modified the licensing condition to refiners already having NABL accreditation from existing three years refining experience to one year refining experience. This is likely to increase number of licensed refiners to nearly 20.
• To increase the awareness among depositors, Government will continue the awareness campaign in the print media, social media, Radio and Television.
The above steps and the clarifications are expected to fetch a better response from the depositors. Above two schemes are innovative schemes and these are early days of implementation. Based on the feedback received from the stakeholders of the schemes, Government will continuously monitor and review the progress of the schemes at the regular intervals and make necessary improvements, in order to increase the reach of the schemes.
Source : PIB Release, 27.11.2015
Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (SGB):
The main objectives of the scheme is to reduce the demand for physical gold and shift a part of the gold imported every year for investment purposes into financial savings through Gold Bonds.
The first tranche of SGB was issued on behalf of the Government of India by RBI at the branches of scheduled commercial banks and designated post offices through its e-kuber system from 5th November, 2015 to 20th November, 2015. More tranches will be issued during the financial year 2015-16.
This scheme saw an overwhelming response from the investors throughout the country and initial figures show that about 63,000 applications were received for a total of Rs 246.20 crore by the Banks and Post Offices for 917 kgs of gold.
It may be noted that this overwhelming response has been received from the retail investors who are the focus of this scheme. The positive response to this new and innovative saving instrument has elicited response from across the country and it is expected that subsequent tranches will continue to receive such enthusiastic response.
Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS):
The Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS) provides different options to the people to monetize the gold. The idea is to mobilize the gold held by households and institutions in the country and putting this gold into productive use. The scheme aims to reduce the country’s reliance on the import of gold to meet the domestic demand.
Presently there are 33 Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTCs) and 5 refiners that have been notified in the scheme. This had resulted into signing of limited number of tripartite agreements among banks, CPTCs and refiners. After the slow response to this scheme, a meeting of all the stakeholders of the scheme was held in the Department of Economic Affairs. In the meeting, a number of decisions were taken to improve the reach of the scheme. These decisions include:-
• Gold depositors can give their gold directly to the refiner without involving the Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTCs) where ever it is acceptable to the Banks. This will encourage the bulk depositors like HUFs and Institutions to participate in the scheme.
• Fees to the banks on account of testing , transport , refining and storage services at Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTCs ) and refiners for Medium and Long Term Government Deposits will be reimbursed based on the actuals, removing such doubts in the minds of the Banks.
• A circular clarifying the tax treatment clauses on the scheme is being published to clarify that, tax exemptions on Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax would be available to the customers.
• BIS is expected to complete the registration of 55 numbers of Collection and Purity Testing Centres (CPTCs) by the end of December 2015.
• BIS has published an EOI on its website inviting applications from the more than 13,000 licensed jewellers to act as a CPTC in the scheme provided they have tie-up with BIS’s licensed refiners.
• BIS has modified the licensing condition to refiners already having NABL accreditation from existing three years refining experience to one year refining experience. This is likely to increase number of licensed refiners to nearly 20.
• To increase the awareness among depositors, Government will continue the awareness campaign in the print media, social media, Radio and Television.
The above steps and the clarifications are expected to fetch a better response from the depositors. Above two schemes are innovative schemes and these are early days of implementation. Based on the feedback received from the stakeholders of the schemes, Government will continuously monitor and review the progress of the schemes at the regular intervals and make necessary improvements, in order to increase the reach of the schemes.
Source : PIB Release, 27.11.2015
Revision of Foreign Postage Rates of Letter Post Items with effect from 01.12.2015
Click here to view Directorate letter No. 1-20/2014-15/T & C, dated 26.11.2015.
To view the copy of Gazettee Notification, please CLICK HERE.

To view the copy of Gazettee Notification, please CLICK HERE.

Two days proposed Strike on 1st and 2nd December, 2015 by National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) deferred
proposed two days strike to be held on 1st and 2nd
December, 2015 by the National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) has been deferred.
NFPE will now sit on 2 days hunger fast in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi on 1st
and 2nd December, 2015 and will also go on one day Mass Hunger fast
in front of all CPMG / PMG and Divisional Offices on 11th December,
Commemorative Stamp on Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC India) – 24th November 2015.

EEPC India is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. To mark the Diamond Jubilee of Engineering Export Promotion Council of India, a commemorative stamp was released by Shri Ravi Capoor, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce & Industry at India Engineering Sourcing Show – 2015 held at Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai on 24th November 2015. India Engineering Sourcing Show – 2015 (IESS15) is India’s largest international engineering sourcing show organised by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, with EEPC India as the lead agency.
Photo Courtesy: PIB, Mumbai
India – Singapore Commemorative Joint Issue – 24th November 2015.
On the occasion of 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Singapore and India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong jointly released India - Singapore Joint issue commemorative stamps depicting official residence of the President of India (Rashtrapati Bhavan) and President of Singapore (Istana), at Istana, Singapore on 24th November 2015.
It is interesting to note that the building which was scheduled to be completed in four years took seventeen years and on the eighteenth year of its completion India became independent. Apart from architect Edwin Landseer Lutyens, the Chief architect and Chief Engineer Hugh Keeling there were many Indian contractors who were involved in the construction of this building. This vast mansion has got four floors and 340 rooms. With a floor area of 200,000 square feet it is built by using 700 million bricks and three million cubic feet of stone. Rashtrapati Bhavan is the largest head of state residence in the world however in terms of area Presidential Complex of Turkey is largest in the world which was opened on 29th October 2014.
The Istana building was built by the British Colonial government to house its governors. Completed in 1869, it was then known as the Government House. The building was handed over to the Singapore Government when Singapore attained self government in 1959, and renamed Istana (“Palace” in Malay). The Istana building underwent extensive renovation between 1996 and 1998, to add more space and modern day conveniences.
Photo Courtesy: ANI
New Definitive Series – the 11th Definitive Series on ‘Makers of India’ launched by India Post.
Department of Posts has issued first stamp of new definitive series – the 11th Definitive Series on ‘Makers of India’ in denomination of Rs. 5 on Deendaya Upadhyaya. It has been reported that Stamps are available Chennai and Hyderabad from 23rd November 2015. Stamp is printed at India Security Press, Nashik Road.
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya (b. 25 September 1916 – d. 11 February 1968) was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and political scientist. He was one of the most important leaders of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, the forerunner Bharatiya Janata Party. A revered icon of Integral Humanism, he was an ideologue and a guiding force for an alternative model of governance and politics.
Courtesy: Sagi Srinivas Raju, Hyderabad
Special Cover on 31 Glorious Years of Metro railway in Kolkata – 20th November 2015.
Kolkata Metro is the first underground Metro railway in India. It extends from Noapara near Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Air Port, Kolkata to Kavi Subhash station near Patuli, the busy North-South axis of Kolkata over a length of 27.223 kms. It was the first such form of transport in India, opened for commercial services in 1984. The Metro railway, Kolkata was constructed progressively from 1972 to 2013. Phase-I a length of 16.450 kms from DumDum to Tollygunge (Mahanayak Uttam Kumar) having been completed in 1995 and in Phase-II a length of 5.834 kms from Mahanayak Uttam Kumar to Kavi Nazrul station is completed in August-2009. The last leg upto Kavi Subhash a length of 2.851 kms has been opened in October8, 2010 for commercial operation. On 10th July 2013, Metro services further extended from DumDum to Noapara (2.091 kms).
Metro Railway, Kolkata, celebrated its 31 years of service to “The City of Joy” on 20th November 2015. As part of this programme, a philatelic exhibition on Global Railways was organized at Mahanayak Uttam Kumar Metro Railway station. On the occasion, a special cover on 31 Glorious Years of Metro railway in Kolkata was released on 20th Nov 2015 jointly by Ms. Arundhaty Ghosh, Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle and Shri A.K. Kapoor, General Manager, Metro Railway, Kolkata inside a running Metro Train on 20th November 2015. It is for the first time that a Special Cover is released on a running Metro train. Stamps on railways were also displayed inside a running AC Metro train to enable commuters to view the stamps on display.
Courtesy: Eeshita Basu, Kolkata | Metro Railways, Kolkata
Boudhpex-2015, Boudh District Level Philatelic Exhibition at Boudh, Odisha – 18th – 19th November 2015.
Boudhpex-2015, first Boudh district level Philatelic Exhibition was organized by Phulbani Postal Division at the Town Hall, Boudh on 18th and 19th November, 2015. The exhibition was inaugurated by Col. Jaleshwar Kanhar, Postmaster General, Sambalpur Region on 18th November 2015. Shri Madhusudan Mishra, Collector, Boudh and Smt. Kalpana Rajsinghot, Postmaster General, Berhampur region were among the other distinguished guests present. One special cover on Chari Sambhu Temple (Special Cover approval no. OD/06/2015) and two Stamp Booklets on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and Women Empowerment were released during the inaugural function. A Stamp Designing and Quiz competitions were also held on 18th November, 2015.
Special Cover on Chari Sambhu Temple – 18th November 2015.
Chari Sambhu Temple or Gandharadi Temple is located at the bank of river Mahanadi in Gandharadi village (Janhapank area) of Boudh district. It is famous for twin temples of Nilamadhava and Sidheswar. These temples were constructed under the patronage of Bhanja Rulers of Khinjali Mandala in 9th century A.D. These two temples were built on one platform which is exactly similar to each other. The one on the left hand is dedicated to Lord Siva and named as Siddheswar. The second one is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and named as Nilamadhab. These temples display high quality architectural work. These temples attracts visitor throughout the year.
Special Cover on Befrienders India Suicide Prevention Conference - 20th November 2015.
Suicide is the tragic and untimely loss of human life, all the more devastating and perplexing because it is a conscious and volitional act. Death is a tragedy and suicide is the ultimate tragedy. There is no reason why a person commits suicide. For many it is a response to loss, separation and despair. Suicide can be response to disordered thinking, a toxic state or cognitive distortion. It is also difficult to explain why certain people take this decision while other in similar or even worse situations do not. Suicidal behavior is considered as a major public health problem in all countries.
As a part of a movement against suicide various organizations are formed under the broad umbrella of Befrienders India in Kerala. Thanal Foundation Trust - Suicide prevention Center, Calicut a project of IMA, Kozhikode is the Calicut Chapter of Befrienders India the national unit of Befrienders Worldwide, an international organisation engaged in suicide prevention activities globally.
17th Annual Conference of Befrienders’ India and South Asia Training workshop on suicide prevention was held at Hotel Marina Residency, YMCA Cross Road, Calicut from 20th to 22nd November 2015. Minister for Social Welfare and Panchayat Mr M K Muneer inaugurated the event. On the occasion a Special Cover was released by Shri P. Jayadevan, Superintendent of Post Offices, Kozhikode Division in the presence of other dignitaries present at the function on 20th November 2015 at Calicut.
Courtesy: Sreejesh Krishnan, Thiruvananthapuram
Kerapex-2016, 13th Kerala State Level Philatelic Exhibition at Thrissur - 7th – 9th January 2016.
Kerapex-2016, 13th Kerala State Level Philatelic Exhibition will be held from 7th to 9th January 2016 at Thrissur.
Download Prospectus from here.
Download Prospectus from here.
Contact : +919847165683 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

Venue: Sri Sankara Hall, Near Over Bridge, M. G. Road, Thrissur - 680 004.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Mahapex-2016, Maharashtra State Level Philatelic Exhibition - 16th - 18th January 2016.
Mahapex-2016, Maharashtra State Level Philatelic Exhibition will be held from 16th to 18th January 2016 at Nashik.
Venue: Postal Stores Depot, Upnagar, Nasik City - 422 006.
Last date for submitting Entry Forms: 15th December 2015.
Entry forms may be sent to:
The Secretary, Exhibition Committee, Mahapex -2016, O/o Sr. Supdt. Of Post Offices, Nashik Division, Nashik - 422 001.
Phone No.: +91-253-2414675 +91-253-2414675
The Secretary, Exhibition Committee, Mahapex -2016, O/o Sr. Supdt. Of Post Offices, Nashik Division, Nashik - 422 001.
Phone No.: +91-253-2414675 +91-253-2414675
26th November to be observed as 'Constitution Day'
Information Bureau
of India
of Social Justice & Empowerment
23-November-2015 14:58 IST
November to be observed as 'Constitution Day'
Government has decided to observe 26th November as 'Constitution Day. On the
day in 1949, the constitution was adopted which came into force on January 26,
1950 marking the beginning of a new era in the history of India. This year,the
country is celebrating 125th birth Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar . The
'Constitution Day' will be a part of these year-long nationwide celebrations.
This will be a tribute to Dr. Ambedkar , who played a seminal role in the
framing of the Indian Constitution as the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of
Constituent Assembly
of Social Justice and Empowerment is the Nodal Ministry for celebration of
Constitution Day. A number of activities will be taken up by other
Ministries/Departments which include:-
Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource
Development has informed that following activities are proposed to be
undertaken by all schools under the CBSE, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), Central Tibetan School Administration (CTSA),
and Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) and those
under the State Governments and UTs on the occasion of the first
"Constitution Day"-
Preamble to the Constitution (as it exists on date) to be read out in school
assembly on 26th November, 2015 by all students.
One period to be devoted on 26th November, 2015 for a talk on the salient
features of the Constitution of India and its making, by a guest speaker or one
of the teachers.
Essay competitions and quizzes to be organized on the theme of the
An online Essay competition to be also organized on the theme of the
Constitution by all CBSE affiliated schools.
Department of Higher Education, MoHRD has informed that they have already
intimated UGC, AICTE, etc. that the day may be celebrated as Constitution Day.
It was requested that the colleges wherever possible may organize mock
Parliament Sessions and debates on the Indian Constitution on 26th November,
2015. UGC informed that they have requested Dr Ambedkar University, Lucknow to
make arrangements for organizing Quiz competition, wherein at State level
winners from each State would participate in a quiz at the All India level
Department of Youth Affair has proposed to ensure following activities:-
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) shall organize
quiz competition on Constitution.
NSS Units to organize lectures on the Constitution in their colleges/schools.
NYS Volunteers/NYKS Youth Club Members to bring awareness and explain the
history of constitution in their areas.
The 'Preamble' of the Constitution be displayed at their headquarters and in
their field offices.
Ministry of External Affairs has informed that they have already instructed all
the Missions/ Stations where Indian schools are located to ensure observance of
Constitution Day on 26.11.2015. It is also proposed that Missions/Posts may
undertake translation of the Indian Constitution in local language and consider
its distribution among academic and research institutions, Parliaments,
Indology Centres etc. For the instance, the Indian Constitution has recently
been translated into Arabic.
Ministry of Home Affairs has informed that they have the Central Armed Police
Forces (CAPFs) and their establishments under Police-II Division, MHA would
undertake appropriate action for celebration of Constitution Day on 26th
November, 2015.
Department of Sports has intimated the followings:-
All Chief Secretaries/ Sports Secretaries/ Administrator/ Advisor to
Administrator have been requested to organize "Run for Equality".
Sports Authority of India (SAI) is making arrangements for activities as
A Symbolic Run termed as "Run for Equality" at Jawaharlal Nehru
Stadium where the trainees of SAI will participate.
Similar action will also be taken by Regional Centres where Run will be
organized including SAI trainees and trainees of Come & Play Scheme.
The Run will be organized on the pattern it was organized on 31st October, 2015
on the occasion of National Unity Day as "Run for Unity."
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs has decided to illuminate Parliament House
Complex on the occasion of Constitution Day on 26th November, 2015 and they
have also decided to call for Special Session of Parliament for this purpose.
The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment has requested to all the State
Government/ Union Territories to celebrate Constitution Day on 26th November,
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