Friday, June 29, 2018
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Monday, June 25, 2018
Implementation of recommendations of One-man committee on wages and allowances of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs)
Dte. OM No. 17-31/2016-GDS dated 25.06.2018 is linked below. For detail kindly click the link.
Implementation of recommendations of One Man committee on wages and allowances of Gramin Dak Sevak
Implementation of recommendations of One Man committee on wages and allowances of Gramin Dak Sevak
Friday, June 22, 2018
Regarding holding of Departmental Promotion Committee for promotion to PS Group B post for the year 2017 & 2018
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/2018-2020/14. 22.06.2018.
The Secretary Posts
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001.
Sub : Regarding
holding of Departmental Promotion Committee for promotion to PS Group B post
for the year 2017 & 2018.
With due respect kindly refer to this association letter
no. CHQ/AIAIASP/Pending/2017 dated 19.02.2018 & 16.03.2018,
CHQ/AIAIASP/DPS-PS Gr B/2017 dated 19.02.2018 & CHQ/AIAIASP/ 2018-2020/03 dated 15.03.2018 regarding holding of Departmental Promotion
Committee for promotion to PS Group B posts for the year 2017 and for the year
2018. The members of our Association are highly demotivated due to inordinate
delay in convening of DPC for the seniority quota for the year 2017 and
As per the provisions of the
Postal Services Group B Recruitment ( Amendment) Rules 1993, 75% of the total
PS Group B posts are to be filled by promotion from amongst Inspectors of Post
Offices and RMS offices and the remaining 19% of the vacancies are to be filled on the basis of a departmental
competitive examination from amongst Inspectors of POs and RMS having 5 years
of regular service in the grade and remaining 6% of the vacancies are to be filled up from General line officials. Eventually after a
gap of more than 1 year & 3 months the department declared the results of
the PS Group B held on 18.12.2016. The members apprehend that there would not
be any further vacancies to be announced in the 75% DPC quota in the coming two
to three years which would delay their legitimate promotional scope.
The Directorate has also
implemented the judgement of Hon’ble Tribunal of Hyderabad dated 10.03.2015 in
OA 554/2013,which was subsequently upheld by Hon’ble High Court Hyderabad in
WP25931/2015 and by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India In SLP(C) 24725/2017 which
has permanently closed the promotional
opportunity of Senior ASPOs who are due for promotion under Seniority Quota. It
can be seen that only few ASPs belonging
to 1993 year IP batch have been promoted to PS GR “B” post till date and
remaining IPs of 1993 and thereafter are the affected ones.
It is bitter truth that
even after a lapse of 25 years, IPs of 1993 batch are not promoted, which reflects skewed process of promotion to
the cadre of IPs/ASPs. The
Association emphatically request that
immediate action may kindly be taken for convening of DPC meeting for seniority
quota vacancies to the promotion of PSS Group B and cause early issue of
orders. It is also requested that at any point of time , the seniority quota
vacancies should NOT be utilised for examination quota.
It is humbly requested to do the needful for early convening of DPC
meeting and for issue of orders of promotion to the cadre of PS Group “B”.
(Rajiv Kumar)
Regarding withdrawal of guidelines for allotment/re allotment of Postal Service Group “B” officers from one Circle/Unit to other Circle/Unit and restoration old transfer policy.
CHQ/AIAIASP/2018-2020/13. 18.06.2018.
The Director
Department of
Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg
: Regarding withdrawal of guidelines for allotment/re allotment of Postal Service
Group “B” officers from one Circle/Unit to other Circle/Unit and restoration of old transfer policy.
With due respect the association likes
to draw your kind attention on the “Revised guidelines to be followed on
allotment/re-allotment of Postal Service Group ‘B’ officers from one
Circle/Unit to other Circle/Unit issued
vide Dte circular No-9-23/2014-SPG dated 18-05-2018.The following points are placed
below for sympathetic consideration and
necessary action:-
1-That a
policy on allotment of PS Group ‘B’ officers was in vogue since 23-03-2017
which has been amended on 18-05-2018 without operating the earlier guidelines. This
guideline was in operation since 15-09-2014 and was amended after three years
after taking into the considerations of welfare of the employees. It is
surprisingly to mention that the policy issued on 23-03-2017 has been changed suddenly
without inviting suggestions, views, and comments from stake holders, Head of
circles and from the Association. It was in vogue to invite suggestions, views
comments from the representatives to invoke such policies for the sake of
employees and employers. The earlier policy issued on 23-03-2017 was welcomed
by the association and its members as it was issued to accommodate the PS Group
‘B officers to their home Circle upto the extent possible and if not possible
with respect to available vacancy in the particular Circle the officer will be
allotted to nearby Circle. This policy has a positive aspect for the
members/officers and it was felt that department is thinking for the welfare of
their employees and setting up a rotation to create a good environment of
2. It is mention that the promotion
of the PS Group ‘B’ cadre comes from the feeder cadre of IP/ASP who after
serving more than 20-25 years and after reaching more than 40-45 years of age
get this opportunity. We know that the age above 45 is vulnerable in every
aspect where there is huge liability coming from all corners in terms of
education of growing children, mental and physical support of old aged parents
and health issues of spouse and self. The officer posted near the home town
Division/Region able to manage all these affairs in emergent situations, but in
the present policy guideline it would not be possible at all to address the
situations as per need effectively. It
is also worth to mention that an employee cannot said to have been a sound
state a mind to deliver excellence devoted towards goal and objective of the
department where there is un-stability, unsound condition of his family
emerging from distant transfer liability. The family comprising of sons,
daughters and old age ailing parents are often need a support of bread earner
and spearhead of family.
3. The other point of this policy is
to spare away the officer for three odd years from their root on the ground to
meet the need for striking balance between requirement of the organizations and
the personal aspiration of the officers. It is worth to mention that the basic
idea has not substantially addressed on various aspect. So far as the
aspirations of the officers are concerned it cannot overlap over the basic need
of family maintenance within a good and dignified manner. So far as the
requirement of the organization is concerned every officer /employee is devoted
to the development of the department and dislocation at such point to such
officers will not serve any purpose but to hamper the requirement of the
organization. He will not be fully prepared to deliver cent percent in the
dislocated area. We know that every dislocation has cascading effect cast a
hardship to everyone and invite unforeseen problems.
The present policy state to focus
on feeder cadre for promotion to JTS of IPOs Group ‘A’ and here are expected to
get exposure by working in different Circle/Unit but it does not appears
realistic because it equate with the
avenues ,potentials enthusiasm of nascent entrant of Direct recruited officer
in IPOs cadre. There is basic difference between officer of Direct recruit and promotes,
as former has to develop and grow as an officer in the department with least
count of liabilities blessed with new age, innovative ideas, new avenues and
rising future but the latter with huge quantum of liabilities followed by the
fast ageing, health issues, family affairs and least count of feather to fly nearly at the stage to set down in the horizon
of avenues. It is worth to mention that so far as exposure in other Circle are
concerned every Circle is full of exposure have potential to lead. If we throw
light on the geographical situations of the some large Circles like U.P, M.P.
Maharastra, Bihar, W.B., Rajsthan A.P. Tamilnadu, etc. forms a Circle within a Circle in terms of language ,accessibility of postal
network a vast postal network inviting challenges
before department to implement its policies. There is always a challenge,
exposure to work in such a Circle in different capacities. If one can be
allotted to U.P. Circle where there is seven regions and normal policy
guideline of tenure transfer applies for 2 to 3 years one person with left out
service of 15 to 20 years cannot be able to get opportunity to serve in the
same region.
5. As the new policy has been issued
in the month of May 2018 and if it is implemented for his academic session it
would be against the model transfer guidelines. As per existing practice it was
in vogue to invite request for choice station for posting and this process
should be initiated well in advance so that it may be processed in the month of
March to April and transferee would able to settle his family and get admission
to their ward for the current session but as per scenario it would not be
possible to implement it. If the department will implement the new policy of
transfer to another Circle in the mid- session it would be detrimental to the
interest of the officer and thereby they will suffer a lot.
6. It is mention that the supplementary
result of LDCE of PS group ‘B’ for the
year 2012 was declared on 26.02.2018 and result of examination held on
18.12.2016 was declared on 10-04-2018
after a long hurdles and at the time of its declaration the transfer and
promotion policy was in existence which was issued in the year 2017.As such the
allotment and promotion of newly passed officers may be operated as per
existing policy of 2017.There is no viable justification to amend this policy in a haste to dislocate
a lot number of officer in this year and in the coming years.
It is therefore requested kindly to review the complications described
in the foregoing paras and consider sympathetically the pitiable condition of
the officer and withdraw the new policy guideline issued on 18-05-2018 and issue
allotment of newly promoted PS Group ‘B’ officers as per guidelines issued on 23.03.2017.
Your Sincerely
Expected Dearness Allowance from July 2018
One of the important allowance for Central Government Employees is Dearness Allowance, always there are some expectations for Dearness Allowance percentage. Central Government will revise the DA twice in a year, on 1st January and 1st July. DA is a fully taxable allowance.
Central Government increased 2 per cent dearness allowance from the January 2018, so employees received 7 percent dearness allowance from the existing 5 percent.

Central Government increased 2 per cent dearness allowance from the January 2018, so employees received 7 percent dearness allowance from the existing 5 percent.

Grant of special increment in the form of personal pay to Central Government Servants for participation in sporting events and tournaments of National or International importance, in the 7th CPC Scenario— reg.
Subsequent to the implementation of the recommendations of the 7th
cPc and
issuance of CCS(RP) Rules 2016, the system of running Pay Bands and Grade Pays have
been replaced by pay matrix. Accordingly, in partial modification of OM
No. 6/1/2013-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 19.09.2013, the President is pleased to revise the rates of
special increment granted in the form of personal pay to Central Government Servants,
for participation in sporting events and tournaments of National or International
importance, as indicated in Column 5 of Annexure. For detail kindly click the link Memorandum
Friday, June 15, 2018
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
38th AIAIASP, Bihar Biennial Circle Conference..
38th Biennial Circle conference of AIAIASP Bihar was held on 02/03.06.2018 in Hotel Lemon Tree, South of Gandhi Maidan, Patna. Following ASP/IP were elected at office bearer for next two year :
President : Sri Nirmal Kumar Srivastava, ASP(VP), O/O The C.P.M.G. Patna M. No. 09934892866
Circle Secretary : Sri Anil Kumar, ASP(S-C) Sub Division, Patna. Mobile NO. 09470669675
Treasurer : Sri Navin Kumar, ASP, Nawadha. Mobile No. 09431043900
General Secretary Sri Rajiv Kumar and CHQ Treasurer Sri Praveen Prasoon attended the conference.
CHQ congratulate the office bearers and wishes best of luck for next term
President : Sri Nirmal Kumar Srivastava, ASP(VP), O/O The C.P.M.G. Patna M. No. 09934892866
Circle Secretary : Sri Anil Kumar, ASP(S-C) Sub Division, Patna. Mobile NO. 09470669675
Treasurer : Sri Navin Kumar, ASP, Nawadha. Mobile No. 09431043900
General Secretary Sri Rajiv Kumar and CHQ Treasurer Sri Praveen Prasoon attended the conference.
CHQ congratulate the office bearers and wishes best of luck for next term
38th AIAIASP Karnataka Biennial Circle Conference
38th Biennial Circle conference of AIAIASP, Karnataka Circle was held on 26-27.05.2018 at Hill View Resort, Basavanpura Villagae, Mayaganahalli Post, Ramnagara Tq & District -562128. Following ASP/IP were elected as office bearers :
President : Sri Hasabi.H.B., ASP( West Sub Division) Vijayapura Mobile No. 09449768549
Circle Secretary : Sri Sreenivas M.J., ASP(R), O/O Channapatna. Moble No. 09449043722
Treasurer : Sri Shrinath N.B. ASP(South Sub Division) Udaupi.
CHQ President: Sri G.Manjunath Hubbali and General Secretary Sri Rajiv Kumar attended the conference.
CHQ congratulate the office bearers and wishes best of luck for next term
President : Sri Hasabi.H.B., ASP( West Sub Division) Vijayapura Mobile No. 09449768549
Circle Secretary : Sri Sreenivas M.J., ASP(R), O/O Channapatna. Moble No. 09449043722
Treasurer : Sri Shrinath N.B. ASP(South Sub Division) Udaupi.
CHQ President: Sri G.Manjunath Hubbali and General Secretary Sri Rajiv Kumar attended the conference.
CHQ congratulate the office bearers and wishes best of luck for next term
Admissibility of air fare for children below the age of 5 years of the Government servants non-entitled to travel by air on LTC
Department of Personnel &
Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Office
memorandum No. 31011/3/2016-Estt.A-IV dated 16th May, 2018 regarding Admissibility of air fare for children below the age of 5 years of the Government servants non- entitled to travel by air in LTC. Pl click the link for detail :
Selection for the post of Senior Instructor, PTC, Vadodara
Director, Postal Training Center, Vadodra invites application in the prescribed proforma from volunteers to work as Sr. Inspector.
For detail click the link
For detail click the link
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