Monday, August 31, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Holding of DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for vacancy year 2015-16
No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/DPC/PS Gr.B /2015 dated : 29/8/2015
Shri AshutoshTripathi,
Member (P)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.
Subject : Holding of DPC for promotion to the cadre of
PS Gr. B for vacancy year 2015-16
Respected Sir,
Association conveys its sincere thanks for timely processing of the DPC for
promotion of ASPs to PS Group “B” for the vacancy year 2015-16. But, it is learnt that same has been held up for the time being in order
to include resultant vacancies arising out of JTS DPC for the year 2015-16.
Whereas there are laid down provisions to include vacancies arising on account of “promotion” and “chain
vacancies” by keeping approved panel or holding supplementary DPC enabling
department to hold PS Group B DPC
without waiting for the result of JTS DPC.
In this regard, a kind reference is
invited to para-3 of the Department of Posts (Personnel Division) letter
No.25-10/2014-SPG dated 09/07/2014 coupled with para-7 of DOP & T OM
No.22011/9/98-Estt (D) dated 08-09-1998 (copy enclosed) wherein it is provided
that a DPC may take into account all clear expected vacancies by retirement in
the concerned grade as well as chain vacancies on account of retirement etc.
in the higher grades which can be clearly anticipated in the same vacancy
Department of Posts vide Personnel
Division letter dated 09/07/2014 has also issued instructions to percolate the
seniority quota vacancies arising in higher grades in a vacancy year down to
lower cadres/grades and to take into account along with the clear vacancies
arising in a particular grade. Further, as clarified vide Para.4.(II) of the
said letter a Circle will take into account the vacancies arising from HAG to
PS Group-B Cadre in that Circle in a vacancy year as chain vacancies for lower
cadres in addition to existing and anticipated vacancies in the said lower
cadre arising in that vacancy year.
there is also provision for conducting second (supplementary) DPC in accordance
with DOP& T
OM No. 22011/5/86-Estt (D) dated 10-4-89[para 6.4.2(i)] and OM
No.22011/2/2014-Estt (D) dated 30-1-2015 (copy enclosed) for the vacancies
which could not be anticipated at the time of holding the earlier DPC.
Furthermore, As per the DOP & T
guidelines issued from time-to-time, the selected panel is to be kept ready and
to be utilized as and when the vacancies arise during the course of the vacancy
year to ensure timely promotion of the employees. As on 1-8-2015 there are 224 vacancies
available in PS Gr. B cadre. There will be resultant vacancies of the same vacancy
year after holding DPC for promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr. “A” for the
vacancy year 2015-16.
It is
therefore requested to your kind honour to convene PS Group B DPC immediately for the vacancy year 2015-16 so that
our members could get timely promotion against 224 existing vacancies in PS Gr.
B cadre. Supplementary DPC can be held thereafter for resultant vacancies on
account of “promotion” and “chain vacancies” as and when the vacancies arise
during the course of the vacancy year 2015-16.
With profound regards,
Enc:-As above
General Secretary
Retirement in the month of August 2015
Following JTS
Gr. A Officers are retiring from Govt. Service on superannuation on 31/8/2015
Sl. No.
Name of Officer
Rabindra Nath Majumdar
SSP, Assonsol Division, Asonsol
West Bengal
Jeetwat Ram Meena
SSRM, Delhi Stg. Division
Preparation of combined All India Seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre for the year 2001 and onwards ..... updates
As all members knows that Directorate vide Memo No. 7-1/2015-SPB-II dated 28th July 2015, called for information for preparation of combined All India Seniority list of Inspector Posts (IPs) cadre for the year 2001 and onwards from all circles, by giving target date 17/8/2015.
But as on date only Assam circle has forwarded their circles seniority list to Directorate.
It is therefore requested to Circle Secretaries, CHQ Office Bearers and members working in COs to ensure the submission of their circles seniority list of IP cadre to Directorate immediately and give report to GS through whatsApp on CHQ group.
Friday, August 28, 2015
DPC : JTS Gr. A cadre for the year 2015-16.....updates
It is informed by Shri S. Prasad Roa, Circle Secretary, Andhara Pradesh Circle that his circle has already submitted required information of three officers (Shri D. Ramanaiah, Shri B. Narasappa and Shri P. Viswanadham) on 13/8/2015.
Remaining circle secretaries will furnish their circles report to GS.
Jhaverchand Meghani's birth anniversary : 28th August 2015

"મોર બની થનગાટ કરે, મન મોર બની થનગાટ કરે. ઘનઘોર ઝરે ચહુ ઓર, મારું મન મોર બની થનગાટ કરે. બહુ રંગ ઉમંગનાં પીંછ પસારીને બાદલસું નિજ નેનન ધારીને મેઘમલાર ઉચારીને આકુલ પ્રાણ કોને કલ-સાદ કરે. મારું મન મોર બની થનગાટ કરે." - Poem by Jhaverchand Meghani, originally written by Rabindranath Tagore. (Click here to read full poem in Gujarati with English lyrics and translation)
Jhaverchand Meghani (b. 28 August 1896 - d. 9 March 1947) was a noted poet, writer, social reformer and freedom fighter from Gujarat. He is a well-known name in the field of Gujarati literature. He was born in the police quarters in the outskirts of Chotila village in Saurashtra. His father Kalidas Meghani used to work with the police in British Kathiawar agency police. He finished his matriculation in 1912 and completed his BA in 1917. He started his career in Kolkata and joined Jeevanlal and Co. in 1918 as Personal Assistant and fondly called Paghadee Babu by his colleagues and workers alike. He was soon promoted as the Manager of the company's factory at Belur, Crown Aluminium. In 1919 he went to England for a four-month tour. After coming back to India he continued to work in Kolkata for 2 and half-year. Later he returned to Saurashtra and joined the editorial board of the weekly Saurashtra in 1922.
In 1930, he was sentenced for 2 years in jail for writing the book 'Sindhudo' that contained songs to inspire the youth of India that was participating in the struggle for Independence against the British Raj. It is during this time that he wrote 'Kavya Triputi' based on Gandhiji's visit to London for the round table conference. During this period he also started writing short stories independently and served as editor for 'Phoolchaab' magazine. Mahatma Gandhi gave him the title of Raashtreeya Shaayar (National Poet). Besides this he received many awards like Ranjitram Suvarna Chandrak (1929) and Mahida Paaritoshik (1946) in literature. He authored more than 100 books. His first book was a translation work of Rabindranath Tagore's ballad Kathaa-u-Kaahinee titled Kurbani Ni Katha (Stories of martyrdom) which was first published in 1922. He contributed widely to Gujarati folk literature. He went from village to village in search of folklores and published them in various volumes of Saurashtra Ni Rasdhar. He was also the Editor of Phulchhab Newspaper of Janmabhoomi group (which is being published till date from Rajkot).
Special Covers commemorating Legacy of Le Corbusier – 27th August 2015.
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris, who was better known as Le Corbusier (b. October 6, 1887 – d. August 27, 1965), was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now called modern architecture. He was born in Switzerland and became a French citizen in 1930. His career spanned five decades, with his buildings constructed throughout Europe, India, and the Americas. Dedicated to providing better living conditions for the residents of crowded cities, Le Corbusier was influential in urban planning, and was a founding member of the Congrès international d'architecture moderne (CIAM).
In the 1950s, a unique opportunity to translate the Radiant City on a grand scale presented itself in the construction of the Union Territory Chandigarh, the new capital for the Indian states of Punjab and Haryana and India's first planned city. Le Corbusier designed many administration buildings, including a courthouse, parliament building, and a university. He also designed the general layout of the city, dividing it into sectors.
To mark the 50th death anniversary of legendary architect Le Corbusier and to commemorate legacy of Le Corbusier, who planned Chandigarh, Punjab Postal Circle in association with Chandigarh Administration released two special covers on 27th August 2015 at Chandigarh (Special Cover approval nos. PB/02/2015 and PB/03/2015). Special covers were released by Ms. Achla Bhatnagar, Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Postal Circle and the Adviser to the Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, Mr. Vijay Dev in presence of UT Home Secretary, Mr. Anurag Agarwal and other officers at the function held at Govt. Museum and Art Gallery Sector-10, Chandigarh.
These two special covers are available at Chandigarh GPO at Rs. 10 each. Postage Extra.
Covers Courtesy: Rakesh Walia, Chandigarh
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Children's Day 2015 - Stamp Design Competition
Department of Posts is holding stamp design competition. The theme of the competition is ' A day in the Rains'. The last date for submission of entries is 31-8-2015. Any citizen of India below 18 years of age can participate in the competition. The entries should be submitted to ADG (Philately), Room No. 108(B), Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110001.
Hyderabad CAT case i/c/w to grant GP of Rs.5400/- after completion of 4 years in GP of Rs. 4800/-.
All are aware that Directorate vide Memo No. 1-4/2013-PCC dated 2/7/2015 has communicated the clarification issued by Department of Expenditure stating that "the proposal of Department of Posts seeking concurrence to allow GP of 5400/- in PB-2 on rendering 4 years of regular service in the grade pay of Rs. 4800/- without linkage to the post in the GP of Rs. 4800/- as been examined in this Department and not agreed to".
15 Gr. B Officers and ASPs who have completed 4 years of service in Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- of Andhra Pradesh Circle has already filed OA No. 296 in Hon'ble CAT Hyderabad Bench on 17/3/2014. No. of hearings took place in this case. Last hearing was held on 21/7/2015, in which Department has filled counter reply.
The applicants have stated in their OA that when a Gr. B officer completes four years of regular service in the GP of Rs. 4800/- is eligible to get GP of Rs.5400/-. While so, the applicants are holding Gr. B gazette post (Offg. PS Gr. B and ASP cadre) and completed 4 years of regular service in the GP of Rs. 4800/- and they are now eligible for financial upgradation in the GP of Rs. 5400/-.
The applicants have stated in their OA that when a Gr. B officer completes four years of regular service in the GP of Rs. 4800/- is eligible to get GP of Rs.5400/-. While so, the applicants are holding Gr. B gazette post (Offg. PS Gr. B and ASP cadre) and completed 4 years of regular service in the GP of Rs. 4800/- and they are now eligible for financial upgradation in the GP of Rs. 5400/-.
It is learnt that above OA posted for final hearing on 2/9/2015.
DPC : JTS Gr. A cadre for the year 2015-16.....updates
Today (27-8-2015), while ascertaining the present status of
holding of DPC for promotion to the cadre of JTS Gr A for the year 2015-16 at
Directorate, it was told that as on date
following 30 officers APARs are still missing and required at Directorate.
These officers are in the Zone of Consideration for promotion to JTS Gr A for
the year 2015-16. Thus, the proposal is incomplete and Directorate is unable to
submit it to UPSC for further action.
Today (27-8-2015), Directorate has issued email to
CPMsG with a request to send these officers APARs (if original not available,
attested copies of these APARs) or No Report Certificate (NRC) by return post so
that DPC proposal could be submitted to UPSC.
In the email Directorate has intimated that SPG
Section and Chief Secretary to Member (P) has already checked their records
thoroughly, but following officers APARs are not available with them. Directorate
has further pointed out that “informing that these APARs are already sent to
Directorate will further delay the proposal without any positive outcome”.
Sl. No.
Name of the officer
Missing ACR/APAR
Information received
from Circles
D. Ramanaiah
16.04.09 to 23.07.09
B. Narasappa
27.08.09 to 31.03.10
P. Viswanadham
01.04.11 to 28.08.11
J.M. Khadayata
Submitted in June
M.J. Varma
Pritam Chand
22.12.10 to
31.03.11, 01.04.11 to 08.12.11
Arun Kumar Jha
A. Koragappa
01.04.11 to
03.01.12, 2012-13, 2013-14
R.G. Byateppanavar
2010-11, 2011-12
M. Shivaraj
2011-12, 2012-13
P.K. Haridas
2009-10, 18.12.10 to
No proper
certificate furnished
S.L. Jain
01.04.10 to 15.08.10
R.A. Sharma
Promod Kumar Gupta
Jai Singh
2010-11, 2011-12
Ram Sahai Meena
2010-11, 2011-12
Ram Singh
01.04.10 to 15.08.10
J. Paul
sent to Dte vide
letter dated 03.09.12
S. Ravi
01.04.09 to
29.12.09, 2010-11, 2011-12, 01.04.012
to 08.07.12
09.07.09 to
29.12.09- no proper certificate 31.12.09 to 27.09.11- worked as AD(RB), Dte
T.V. Sundari
1.04.12 to 08.07.12
No proper
certificate furnished
R. Santhakumar
2007-08, 2008-09,
2009-10, 2010-11
forwarded to GM
K. Venkatachalam
2011-12, 2012-13,
06.12.13 to 31.03.14
2011-12 - forwarded
to CS to M(P) vide letter dated 16.08.12 17.12.12 to 31.03.13- sent to Dte
18.10.13 07.12.13 to 31.03.14- sent to Dte 17.06.15
A. Natarajan
2009-10, 01.04.10 to
2009-10 - sent to
Dte vide letter dated 01.10.14 01.04.10 to 01.07.10 - sent to PMG, Kochi,
Kerala for review
Ram Chandra Rathore
16.08.11 to 31.03.12
Kirity Gupta
West Bengal
01.04.11 to
05.08.11, 2013-14
Sarbeswar Bala
West Bengal
Bidhan Chandra Das
West Bengal
Prasanta Halder
West Bengal
Rabindra Nath
West Bengal
2012-13, 2013-14
Ranjit Halder
West Bengal
01.04.09 to
01.12.09, 01.04.12 to 30.11.12, 2013-14
is once again requested to Circle Secretaries, CHQ Office bearers and IP/ASPs
working in Andhra Pradesh / Gujarat / Himachal Pradesh / Jharkhand / Karnataka
/ Kerala / Rajasthan / Tamil Nadu / Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal circles to
meet personally to APMG (Staff)/ AD(Staff) on 28/8/2015 and request them to
arrange to send either original APARs or No Report Certificates (NRCs) to
Directorate on or before 31st August 2015.
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