Saturday, October 20, 2012

Grade Pay case.....updates.

It is reported by Mr. Permanand, ASP (PMU) that he has received response from Ministry of Finance on his RTI application dated 13/9/2012 filled for providing relevant copies of notes sheets of files dealt at MOF / Department of Expenditure i/c/w up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/-.  He was asked to deposit charges for supply of photocopies of requisite information sought under RTI and he has already credited the same. He further reported that the copies of the notes sheets may be received by next week. CHQ has decided to support Mr. Permanand fully.


  1. Yes. Mr. Paramanand should be given all sorts of support from the CHQ who has been fighting for a real cause. RADHA KRISHNA ASP SPEED POST HYDERABAD

  2. Hoping for good. My full support to shri Premanand.
